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Recognized: Robin and guest.

I glared at Damian as he entered. He glared back.

"This is so cool!! The actual Mount Justice! And hello to you Bruce - ah, I mean Batman. And before you ask, no none of your kids leaked info. I figured it out on my own. It started with loving Robin, then realizing that Robin and Damian speak the same way." Katie said. I nodded. Kids are getting smarter these days, way smarter than the adults.

"Hey, Demon. And you brought your girlfriend?" Barbara said.

"Yes, he did! You must be Barbara Gordon, Batgirl! And over there is Wonder Girl, Blue Beetle, Bumblebee, Beastboy, Impulse, Kidflash, Tigress, Red Robin, Red Hood, Nightwing, Superboy, Miss Martian, Lagoon boy, Superkid and Infinite! I can't believe it!"

Recognized: Nightingale B-0-8.

"And there's Nightingale!"

I glared at Gale. She's ten minutes late.

"Where were you and why were you late." I demanded.

"Well, excuse me for wanting to take care of lady issues in private! Or would you rather me do it here?" Gale spat.

I shook my head. Gale then went to say hi to Katie. Seriously, what has gotten into her? She never has this attitude with me.....actually, I stand corrected. She has the weeks every month.

I sighed. Why did I adopt a girl?

"Sounds like someone's on her lady week." Dick whispered to me.

"Dick, remind me why I adopted Gale." I asked.

"You saw how good of a fighter she was and also saw how she lost her family and you were reminded of your past."

"It was a rhetorical question." I moaned.

I noticed that Jason and Damian had shared a glance after Gale rushed in here. I'll ask them about it later.

"Alright. Team, you have a mission. There has been a tip of paranormal activity on Infinity Island. You must go retrieve information then report straight back. Do not engage unless necessary. This is a recon mission."

Everyone snickered. Including Katie.

"Oh, Batman. You should know by now that none of your missions stay recon. How do I know? I was at many of your missions. Mainly because of my family's job."

"And what exactly is your family's job?" Tigress asked.

"Oh, um, I can't actually say. Or something will happen. Can I come with you?"

"Sure, why not? If you're such a fan, Robin and I will guide you through the mission." Gale answered. Katie smiled.


"So, Demon. You know why Gigi was acting like that?" Jason asked.

"Tt. Honestly, who doesn't? She's a girl and girls have this thing called their period. They have mood swings. But, considering what she told us earlier, I believe that was her mood swings from being preg- mphf!"

"Don't say it out loud! She still hasn't told Bruce!" Jason removed his hand from my mouth.

"Well, you can worry about her. I'm going to try to slip into my suit without her knowing. Otherwise, I'll be Robin, the princess wonder. I don't want to wear this costume in the field."

"To be honest, you look cute! And the fact that you didn't fuss when Gale dressed you as Princess Jasmine means you actually don't mind wearing it. Probably because you love your sister. Plus that blush really fits your face. And you look great showing your midriff. If I didn't know better, I'd thought you were a girl." Katie popped up from who knows where wearing Gale's extra suit.

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