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My baby. My baby girl. My biological baby girl. Is having a baby at age 17. I can't believe this! She shouldn't be having a child this early but considering our history and our huge family of heros, it runs in the family. I mean, look at Dick! He's a year older than Gale and already is going to be a father. Even I was young when Diana and I had Gale and Jason. I was at the very least 28. That age is a little early for me. But here I am, standing outside the hospital room and ready to become a grandpa. Though I have to say, if I though Jason had a problem with cussing out loud every time he was mad, I'm wrong. Gale doesn't cuss a lot, if not at all but when she does, it's stronger than when Jason does.


That's all we heard when Gale was in labor. The entire League and the team were waiting outside. The members who haven't heard Gale cuss shrank in fear from the loudness and just the choice of words used in general.

"Batman, is that really Nightingale? I thought only Red Hood cussed that bad." Bart asked. He used my hero name as we all were there in uniform.

"Yes, Impulse. That's really Nightingale. Believe me when I say this, when she gets real mad or in pain that she can't handle, she'll be cursing up a storm. Just like now."

"Batman is right, Imp. I've seen it happen. We were on a GNO and the bad guy shot a bullet into her stomach. Boy, was she screaming and cursing at him! He ended up running away scared." Artemis said.

At that moment, the doors to the waiting room burst open. In walked Blue Beetle and Wonder Girl.

"Batman, how is she?" Jaime asked as he sat down beside me. Damian glared at him.

"Why do you want to know, Blue Beetle? She's just a teammate. Do you see the others worrying about her, besides the girls? No. Why? They're-" Damian started.

"They're boys who don't have feelings for me, Robin. You, of course, know what it means to have feelings for someone else, don't you? It's the reason you didn't want Creeper to stay with her 'parents' and the League of Assassins. And besides, I asked for him to be here when I did go into labor, and here he is. So shut up and tell your brothers not to stare at him like he's going to murder me later." A voice said. Gale was standing in the waiting room with a nurse holding on to her. With all of the questions, I didn't notice the screaming stop.

"Nightingale, how are you?" I asked. My answer was an eye roll.

"I'm fine, Batman. You and Blue only may come in to see her. And Double R, Nightwing? Get ready to give me your only twenty thousand bucks, both of you." She said with a smirk.

Jaime and I followed her into the room. Gale asked for the nurses and doctors to leave. She took off her mask and we copied her.

"Well, Bruce, look! You're a grandfather now!"

"Wow. I can't believe it. My baby girl is a mother. What are you going to name her?" I asked.

"I don't know. Jaime? Got any suggestions?"

"Well, I've always like the name Brianne." He said.

"I think that name. She looks like she'll be a smart girl with lots of brains. And Bruce, Brianne means brain in greek. I like Cora for her middle name, what do you think?"

"I think that's a beautiful name, Gale." I told her. She smiled.

"And there's the elephant in the room." She said. Jaime nodded.

"What last name will she take?" They asked at the same time.

"Well, that's up to you two. But I would suggest that the baby take our last name, seeing that Gale isn't married yet and won't be for three more years, I hope." I said.

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