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 "How can you and everyone else be calm at a time like this? Don't you care that your daughter is on her deathbed?!" I yelled.

Let's back up. I'll tell you what got us into this mess. Three days after Slade saved Bree and Mar'i, they were complaining of pain. Slade then got the brilliant idea to use some of his handmade healing serum on the girls. I guess Lex returned the stash Slade had, but not without 'improving it'. Slade decided to use the other stash of serum Lex and given to him, claiming that Lex is evil and could have put poison in the healing serum. Actually, what Slade gave the girls was the poison and so now, they are fighting for their lives.

"Don't forget, you let him inject the poison into their bodies." Gale said in a very eerily calm voice.

"Well, I, uh, I didn't exactly let him do it. I just thought that maybe for once he changed." I sputtered.

"Seems to me that he played us all. He just saved the girls only to inject poison into their small ,already weak bodies and kill them. And you let him do this, Damian. Are you slipping back into your old ways? Do you really care for your nieces or is this just an act as well?" Gale asked. I frowned.

"You know that's not true, Gale! I changed years ago and vowed never to go that path again." I defended. Gale just stood up and left. A small, "I've got to get ready for the broadcast." was heard. Dick, too, left me. I decided to get ready myself.

*Barry/ Former Flash*

For some odd reason, i felt the sudden urge to turn the tv on for the news. Iris came and watched with me. She was still mad about not being able to cover the story today.

"This is Cat Grant reporting live from the Hall of Justice. Our heroic team Young Justice has something important to tell us."

Bart stepped up to the podium first.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, what we are about share with you may be painful to hear. It has been almost three weeks since former mercenary Deathstroke had saved Ember Hayle and Nightstar from a tragic death."

Cassie stepped up next.

"Due to a terrible beating done by the Clown Prince of Crime, Gotham's most terrible villain, the Joker, the girls were left with many broken bones and in a weakened state."

"Due to a mix up between a healing serum and poison, Deathstroke accidently injected poison into the already weak and healing bodies of the girls. Slade claimed that he had chosen the correct vial in mistrust with the return of his original stash from Lex Luthor. He believed that Lex had contaminated his previous serum, and thus chose the seemingly safe other choice." Karen continued.

"It is good that Slade did not choose the other option, even though poison in a child's body seems terrible. The other serum was tested on a terminally ill rodent and it instantly killed the rodent. If this was injected into the young girls' bodies, they wouldn't be fighting to join us today." Brion said. After him came Terra and Violet.

"Botulinum toxin is a highly toxic poison that when too much of it is consumed, it will lead to the heart and respiratory systems shut down. This means in that our little girls will have less than a year to live if this toxin spreads fast enough." Terra added.

"Our medical team is doing all that they can to stop the spread of this dreadful poison. All we ask is that you pray and keep these little girls in your mind." Violet said.

"Forager would like you to meet the parents of these two brave girls. Nightwing and Starfire. Blue Beetle and Nightingale." Forager said.

" If you are out there as a parent, grandparent or guardian to a child who is terminally ill, you know how hard it is to watch your child fight for his or her life, knowing that they may or may not win the fight. As a Christian, I will trust that God will heal my little girl and my niece. I would also appreciate it you would also make time in you day to remember these girls. As the song about the wiseman says, let all the prayers go up so that the blessings come down." Gale concluded.

"There you have it folks. A final reminder to everyone that there will be a donation box by the steps for those of you who would like to help them pay for the expenses of medical equipment. Let's all hope that Ember Hayle and Nightstar get better soon. This is Cat Grant signing off."

Iris and I sat there for what seemed eternity. We knew what Slade had done was bad but we didn't know it was this bad.

"Barry, we need to go see Bruce. No doubt he's trying to hide his pain." Iris finally spoke up. I nodded.

Alfred greeted us at the door and led us down to the batcave. Bruce was brooding as usual.

"Bruce, we saw the news." I started. I got a grunt in reply. Iris tried again.

"Bruce, do you not care about your granddaughters? How can you just sit here all day and ignore them? Bruce, they need you. If that poison is actually in their bodies, then their lives could end any day. It's up to you and the rest of the team to spend every second you can with them before their time is up." Iris screamed in his face.

"Why should I? It's their own fault for even letting that man near them."

We heard a sharp inhale and a gasp. The three of us turned to see Gale and Dick.

"Who are you and what have you done to my father?" Gale asked.

"Gale, I-"

"No, Bruce. I don't know what happened to you but this isn't you. We're leaving and you just lost your final chance to see your granddaughters." Dick said as he walked Gale out. We followed them.

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