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That night, I was in Tim's room. I was rubbing one of the pressure points on his hand.

"Thanks for doing this for me, Cate. I could really use the sleep tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

"How so?" I inquired.

"Every Sunday, our family goes to church. It's a place where Christians go and worship God together. Christianity is the belief that God sent his only son to die on the cross for our sins so that we may be saved and be able to live with Him in heaven one day. You should come with tomorrow! You can see what we do during first service and then second service!"

"I'd like that. I'll bring Conner with me too. What time?" I asked.

"First service starts at 9."

I nodded and soon Tim was fast asleep. I headed for my room to bed.

The next day, I woke up early. I knocked on Conner's door.

"What do you want?"

"What, no 'good morning'?" I teased.

"Sorry, Cate. How can I help?" Conner apologized.

"Tim invited us to join him and the other Waynes at church. Do you want to come with me?" I said.

"Sure. Let's get dressed into nice clothes." Conner said and shut his door.

I went over to Gale's room for help. How should I dress for such occasion? Semi-formal, formal, or everyday clothes?

"Oh, hey, Cate! Tim told me that you and Conner were joining us. Here, let's get you ready. Now our church isn't semi-formal but it's not one where you wear dresses. Like a lot of people around this part of Gotham, we go to a southern Baptist Church, and most everyone there wears everyday clothes. Not us. We wear semi fancy things, like summer dresses and shorts." Gale explained. I nodded.

Soon we had a dress picked out for me to wear. It wasn't fancy but it looked nice. It was pink rose color with pretty red rose designs all over.

"Alright. So when we get there you can either stay with Dick and Bruce for the adult small groups, or stay with us in the student ministry. There we sing a few songs then separate by grade and gender for small groups. In small groups, we have a group leader that goes through a Bible study book and we answer questions." Gale explained further as we made our way to Kindred Community Church.

"I think we'll stay with you guys. And by we, I mean me. Cate can go with Gale." Conner said.

When we arrived, Dick started teasing Damian.

"Hey, Dami! Want us to drop you off at the kids ministry? That's where you were last time we came."

"Shut up, Dick! That was 5 years ago. I'm not ten anymore. I'm going to Rico's class now. 10th grade boys here I come!!!!" And Damian jumped in happiness before he ran up the stairs and disappeared.

"Conner, Cate, you guys visiting today?" A familiar voice said. We turned to see Wally and Barry.

"Wally, I thought you lived in Central?" Conner asked. Jason and Tim snickered.

"Um, I do but I'm going to Gotham University this year for college. Mainly so I can see Dick more often and not be late for you."

I blushed. Dick and Wally then grabbed Conner's shoulders and started to lead him to their small group.

"Gale, we need to head up now. We're on in, like, three minutes!" Tim said. Gale nodded and led me to their chapel.


What's taking them so long?!?!?!! I'm already in the chapel and saving seats for them. The door opened and in walk my family. Finnnnnnallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Gale, Tim and Jason walk up to the stage and grab instruments. Then sang. I never knew that Jason had such a pretty voice, well as pretty as guys can get. I noticed Percy was intrigued with the words in the songs. I know I was. Then Pastor Daniel dismissed us and I joined my group.

"Good morning guys! I'm seeing a new face that is strangely familiar." Rico pointed out.

"Yeah, it's me. Damian Wayne."

"Damian! Oh gosh! It's been what, five years? Wherever have you been?"

"Well, according to the Wayne family tradition, I spent five years studying abroad at a school in Switzerland. I will finish off my education here." I said, lying easily. Rico nodded then went straight into the lesson. At 10:15, it was time to head for the sanctuary for the service.

Once everyone had left the classroom, I stood up to leave.Then I heard a whoosh, and a soft plop behind me. Suddenly, I felt the tip of a gun in my back.

"Jon, what are you doing here?" I said, already knowing that my best friend was behind me. He's the only one I know who plays with a NERF gun, nowadays.

"I'm not Jon. I'm your worst nightmare!" The young voice that sounded like a pig on helium said.

"Batman isn't my my worst nightmare." I grunted.

"Not your dad, silly! Your sister!"

I turned around so that the NERF gun was aimed at my chest.

"Jon, aren't you supposed to be in Metropolis? Why are you here?" I asked. The ebony boy in front of me sighed and lowered the toy.

"I'm actually supposed to be in Smallville, helping Gram and Gramps around the farm. Even though I love them, I hate shoveling horse manure all day. So I ran away as soon as I got off the bus." Was the answer.

"Alright. Since you're here, you might as well join my family in the service. Percy's here. Hopefully she doesn't know that you should be in Smallville. Conner will, though. He's here as well."

"Percy? Who's this Percy person? Your girlfriend?"

"No, I don't have a girlfriend but I will one day. Percy is my nickname for Persis, or Cate. I still call her Persis, even though she is Cate." I replied.

"Ian, why are you holding Jon's hand? And isn't Jon supposed to be in Smallville for the summer?"

We both yelped. Percy appeared out of nowhere.

"I was just showing Jon to the sanctuary. I'm assuming Father sent you to retrieve me?"

"Yeah. And Jon? You might want to pull up your pants." Percy walked away. Jon glanced at his pants and blushed. Jon's pants were slowly making their way down his legs.

"'s not my fault that I'm skinny. I don't want to buy skinny jeans that can rip during patrol." Jon mumbled. I snorted.

"Then make a suit like your father's. Simple as that." I said.

We entered the sanctuary and found the others sitting in the fifth row. Father rose an eyebrow at me.

"Dude, is Jon your boyfriend?" Conner asked. I noticed that Jon and I were still holding hands. We quickly let go, embarrassed.

"Uh, no. I was just guiding him here so that he can sit with us." I answered, my cheeks flushing red. Jon's face was just as red as mine.

"Jon, did Clark allow you to stay home this summer? Or are you on the run? Again?" Conner said.

"Did you ever have to stay the summer shoveling horse manure all day? If you haven't, then lucky you. Not only is it hard work but it stinks to the high heavens!" Jon cried. Before any of us had a chance to answer, Pastor Ronnie walked up on the stage.

"Good morning everyone! Let's get started with praising the Lord!" He left and the worship team began. Surprisingly, Jason, Tim and Gale were a part of it. Tim was on the drums while Jason and Gale were singers. Well, Jason also played guitar. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Jason and Tim have such great singing voices. Part of me wants me to try my had at it, but the other part says to stick to what I'm good at, which is fighting crime.

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