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How dare he? My father, the man who I have lived with since I was 12. The man who raised me. He has dared to say that his granddaughters are unimportant to him. Bruce helped train them, so that they could be the great kids they are today. I can no longer call him 'Dad'. I have no choice to go back to calling him Bruce, like I did before coming to terms with him.

"M-mom?" A weak voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Bree awake.

"Yes, darling? How can I help?"

"Where's Grandpa? Is he not coming?"

I smiled sadly. "No honey. He is unable to come. He has an outer space mission to go on, with the Justice League."

"Aren't you on that team?"

"Yes, but I opted not to go. I can't bear to leave on a mission that will take who knows how long while you and Mar'i are ill."

Bree sighed and snuggled under the many blankets on her bed.

"Is Aunt Kori on the mission?"

"Yes, she is. She didn't want to go but the rules are that new members have to go on at least one space mission before being granted permission to stay off missions."

My response was a blank face. I sighed.

"The reason I was able to stay is because even during the time I was on Young Justice, I subbed in for leaguers who weren't able to go on those missions. Aunt Kori never had that opportunity."

I heard soft breathing and realized that Bree had fallen asleep again.

"Hey, I can watch them if you want to go get something to eat." Jaime said, walking into the medbay.

"No, I'm fine." I lied.

"Gale, I know you're worried about the girls, and I am too. But you can't neglect watching over yourself! You'd want to be healthy and able to be with them when they get better."

"But do you think they'll survive? I can't bear the thought of losing Bree. I've already lost a lot and now I just lost my father."

"What happened between you and Bruce?"

"Barry and Iris went over to talk to them. Dick and I went over to update him on girls' progress and he just flat out told them that he didn't care whether the girls died or not. Maybe not in those words but that's what he implied. Dick told him that Bruce lost his final chance to see the girls one last time. " I said. Jaime wrapped his arms around me in a comforting hug.

Two weeks passed and the girls weren't getting better. I decided to have a chat with Slade.

"Hey, Slade? Can I talk to you?" I asked through his door to his room. We had made him a room in the Watchtower.

"Sure, come in. How are the girls, Gale."

"They're not well. I can't take it any longer! I know you meant no harm but it's hard you know? Knowing that someone whom you once considered an enemy tries to help and ends making this worse is hard to grasp." I choked out. I was one the verge of tears.


I hugged the young mother as she let out all the tears she refused to show in front of her daughter and niece.

"I know how you feel. You know, once I was a father. I had a wonderful wife and three great kids. But the enemies I made as Deathstroke cost me my family. Grant went off and babbled about my job; he was murdered. Because of that my other son, Joey was kidnapped and lost his voice. Rose refused to talk to me and her mother. Eventually, my wife left me, leaving me with Rose and Joey. Rose left to go join the Titans East. Her teammates figured out her past and killed her and Joey. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love." I told her my life story.

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