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I woke up to the sound of Aunt Gale singing the last word to her favorite song by Nichole Nordeman. I groaned to get her attention.

"Oh, Mar'i! You're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Tired but fine. How long have I been asleep?"

"Well, according to J'onn, just after we moved both of you here to the Watchtower, you slipped into a coma. That was five days ago." Aunt Gale explained. I stared at her. She sighed and called for J'onn.

"Because you are half Tameranian, your alien half put you into a coma to remove the poison from your body. You are now one hundred percent free from the toxin." J'onn said. I smiled. Then looked at Bree.

"She may not make it, Mar'i. She's in a coma but the toxin is spreading fast. Though, I know she's fighting. I saw a tear fall from her eye when I sang to her." Aunt Gale said.

"I'll get her coffin ready then." A snarky voice spoke. We all turned to see none other than...some new kid?

"Hi, you must be Mar'i Grayson, Nightstar. I'm Rudy. Rudy West. Call me any codename you want. I have the ability to copy and use everyone in the Leagues' powers. Both YJ and JL. I also have a staple power of superspeed." A red curly haired boy said.

"Wait, West? As in Cate and Wally West? Are you their son or?" I asked.

"Yes on the people. Maybe I might be their son and maybe I might be adopted. Maybe I'm a clone of them both. Who knows?" Rudy said. I frowned.

"Just tell me." I said. Aunt Gale sighed.

"He's Cate and Wally's son. He hasn't been around because he goes to public school and just recently got his powers. During the five days you were in the coma, we tested him and he is a new member on the team. And no, we have not announced him yet. We won't until we know what will happen with Bree." Aunt Gale explained. I nodded in understanding. I glared at the boy. He shrugged.

"What's with the mean look? You can call me Troll, because I like playing tricks on people. And my powers will trick the enemies." Rudy smirked. I rolled my eyes. I followed Aunt Gale out of the medbay and to the cafeteria.

"Hey everyone! Missed me?" I called out. Everyone stopped eating and rushed to me. I was bombarded with questions and hugs.

"I'm fine. J'onn said the toxin is free from my body and I'm still alive!"

"That's good! Now let's go back to Earth. The team is struggling without you." Dad said.

"Without me? Or without you? Why, they're older than me and and have been in the field longer than I have! I can't imagine that they are dying without my aid; they were fine without me." I snapped. Dad smiled.

"Well, your brain is still top notch. I just wanted to see if your mind was ready to get back to work." Dad said.

"Well, actually, I think they are struggling because Cassie and Violet hare here and not at the mountain. Why are they here, anyway?" I said.

"We wanted to see you and Bree get better. But now that we know you are good, we can go back now." Cassie answered. I nodded.

"Well, if you girls are ready, I'll take you three and Rudy back to the mountain." Dad said. He glanced at Aunt Gale. They seemed to have a silent conversation. Then Dad nodded.

'Wait, don't you want to send a message to Kori?" Aunt Gale asked. I nodded. I whispered what I wanted to say to Dad. He grimaced. Aunt Gale laughed.

"I knew we shouldn't have told you about that mission." Dad groaned.

"The mission wasn't bad! The weird part was after the mission, when Silkie exploded and began eating the pink substance. And Kori joined him, saying it tasted like Glorgaberries." Aunt Gale said.

"Stop! I don't want to remember that night. It's too gross." Dad faked throwing up. After that, the six of us left for Earth.


I knew why Gale wanted to stay at the Watchtower. She wanted to stay with Bree. But in my opinion, she should stay away from Bree. To distract her from the pain. I know how much pain Gale has endured. She felt so much pain when her friends from Kitten's workcamp died. When I had that fight with Bruce that landed us in Jump City. When Damian was kidnapped and gone for five years. When Jason died at the hands of Joker, just after Bree was born. When Bree's twin brother died after birth. And now, seeing Bree in a coma, knowing that she could lose the fight to the toxin any moment, hurts her worse than anything.

We've prayed long and hard for God to do a miracle. We're waiting for that day, when He listens to our prayers and heals our little girl.

"Dick, how is are they?" Zatanna asked.

"Mar'i is fine, in fact she's here. J'onn said that no traces of the toxin are found in her blood streams. But Bree..." I trailed off.

"I get it. I'm so sorry, Dick. I wish there we some sort of magic to take the poison away."

"I know, I wish that too. But we're trusting in God to heal her." I replied. Zee smiled.

"BART, I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!!!" Zee and I shared a look. Running in came Bart followed by Brion.

"Whoa there! Calm your horses! What happened?" I asked. Brion glared at Bart.

"You need to teach this boy some manners. He doesn't know when to stay out of people's business." Brion huffed in his deep russian accent. Bart gasped.

"I know how stay out of people's business! It's you who doesn't know how to stay out!" Bart defended.

"If that is so, then stop eating my food!" Brion yelled.

"I didn't eat your food! You need to keep away from my books!" Bart screamed. I sighed. This is just like when Damian, Tim and Jason got into fights over the simplest things.

"Guys, enough! Bart, just eat like a normal human and Brion, leave Bart's stuff alone." I said.

"I do eat like a normal human." Bart huffed under his breath.

"If you call eating a whole cake, and a huge tub of ice cream meant for parties as eating like a normal human, then yes, you do. But people who don't have superspeed eat at the most two slices of cake and a small bowl of ice cream." I smirked. Bart left the room. Brion followed him.

"Well, since you were put on the babysitting job, can you tell how the past five days went?" I asked.

"It's been fine. A few arguments here and there. One or two missions, both fighting the Injustice League. They were successful both times but several them were injured." Zee reported. I nodded, urging her to continue.

"Terra has a charley horse in her leg. Gar got several bad cuts but a few stitches fixed those. The rest of the team is fine. But Cassie, Violet and Mar'i are due for training, since they were gone for so long."

"Just go easy on Mar'i. She just woke up from a coma." I said and sent her on her way.

I walked to the computer to finish some things up when I received a transmission.

"Dick, is it true? Silkie is alive and all the Glorgaberries are eaten up?"

"Yes, Kori. Mar'i is one hundred percent free from the poison and is awake from her coma." I answered happily.

"That's good! How's Bree?"

"Not so good. She's still in a coma but J'onn doesn't think she'll make it. The toxin is spreading fast. Any moment could be her last." I replied. Kori hummed.

"How's Gale? She isn't still with Bree, is she? She needs to distract herself from the pain."

"That's what I told her. But no. She wants to stay with Bree."

"At least she'll be able to be there if our silkie doesn't make it. I've got to go. See you in a few days!"

Kori logged off and I was left with an empty screen. Hopefully J'onn is able to extract the toxin and Bree will live. Or that God does a miracle soon.

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