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I woke up sore, very sore, and not because I slept under the bed. In fact, I didn't wake up in my room. I was laying on a table with my arms and legs tied down. Instantly, I knew where I was.

"Ah, awake at last, Agent Richotte." A voice boomed.

"What did you do to me?" I snarled.

"Oh, don't worry. We just tested you for the metagene. You tested positive." The voice said as it came closer. I soon saw that it was Ra's al ghul.

"Also, we noticed you are with child. We helped with the process and sped it up. You are now nine months pregnant and should be due any day now. You don't have to thank us."

"Why would I? I wasn't given the choice to have a child. I'm not even ready to have one. I still shave school and I don't have a significant other. And don't you say I need to marry Lord Klee, because that's not happening." I snarked.

"Oh, dear. Father, have Lord Klee executed immediately. He disobeyed our orders, once again. I deeply apologize for the actions of Lord Klee. He was only supposed to invite you to join us once again in person." Talia said once she walked in.

"Thanks? I mean, why do you care, Talia? " I asked her as she undid the restraints.

"I care because I've seen how you have changed my son. You must be a very good person in order to have a changing effect on him. How is it that he isn't rude anymore?"

"Well, for starters, Damian's constantly watched. Though I don't know why, he always used to call everyone by their last name. He'd always want to kill the person who had upset him. I fixed that by threatening to make him wear one of my old Halloween costumes, which were mostly princess attires. I still do it, but have added wearing makeup and wigs to the costumes. Damian hates me for it, but he's not calling anyone by their surname or threatening to kill them when they've upset him." I explained.

"I have to say that's very clever of you, Abigale. Does Damian have any favorites in the family, or people he likes better than others?"

"Yes. Dick and I are the ones he's able to put up with. His relationship with Tim and Jason is improving, however, there doesn't go a day where I don't catch them fighting over something stupid."

"How stupid?"

"Damian fights with Tim over who ate whoever's sandwich, or drank the other's coffee. Jason fights with him over misplacing his guns or his ammo for his guns. Honestly, Jason's logic is flawed. Just because Damian stole Jason's gun and ammo once doesn't mean he'll do it every time." I said. Talia nodded.

We were almost to the hangar.

"I suggest you radio your team to come get you." She announced.

"Is it possible for you to take me back? I don't think I can stand the stares of my teammates. I haven't properly told them that I'm pregnant." I requested.

"Of course. I shall take you myself. And I should also apologize to Persis. What Father made our personal trainers do to her is unacceptable." Talia answered.

"Also, is there a non lethal way to get rid of Lord Victor, Lady Vashtiee and Kitten? I want them dead, one for hurting Katie and two for kidnapping me. But wihtout sheding any blood." I said.

"I'll see what I can do. Perhaps a poisoned meal shall suffice."

Four hours later, we were in Happy Harbor.

"Mount Justice, this is Talia al ghul requesting access into the hangar."

"Ummm, access not granted. No offence buttttttt...."

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