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Damian stopped talking and turned to Cate.

"Remember that team I once told you about that got us both in trouble? This is it, though, they added a few members since the last time I was here." Damian said nervously.

"Okay. So we got our info, let's go."

"How did you- when did you?" Dani sputtered.

"Relax, Ian. Remember, I still have the bag of skin from your team with me from the time they kidnapped me. I used the martian girl's skin to join your telepathic conversation." Cate answered.

"Right... I forgot you have that bag. Hey, since we're here, why don't I introduce you to the team?" Dani asked hopefully.

"No, Dad will have our heads if we don't leave right now. Oh, I know! Oo wee oo ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang, oo wee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang!" Cate sang a song, one I recognized to be the Witch Doctor song. Her voice is still angelic.

"Kent, I demand that you stop singing that annoying song! You're not even singing it right! It's Oo ee, not oo wee like your choir taught you. Stop being the fantastic singer you are and sing it right!" Damian yelled.

"Sing it with me then. "

I told the witch doctor I was in love with you!

The witch doctor said, he told me what to do!

He said, Oo wee/ ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang!

Oo wee/ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang!

Wow. In all my life, I never thought that I would ever hear Damian sing in such a good voice.

"That was great but I think you should go, Dami. Before B comes back. We will get in touch with you." Gale said.

"Yeah, Circus girl is right, Ian. Dad will have our heads and your mom will definitely make you train with Deathstroke tonight." Cate added.

"Persis is right, Damian. Didn't I say not to have any interaction with the team? Just get info and leave? You better come now." A booming voice spoke. We all turned to see Lex Luthor.

"Hey, Dad! In my defense, it's Ian's fault not mine. He had a telepathic conversation with them. And don't worry! I got your info." Cate chirped.

"Thank you darling. You can go to the chopper. I need to deal with your brother."

"For the last time, Luthor! I'm not her brother! Just a playmate. Though, I doubt she needs one. She can play with the Bat fam for all I care. She's just as cheery as Grayson, and Nighting combined. And..... I'll stop talking." Damian trailed off as soon as he saw the death threatening glare sent his way by Lex.

"Damian, you wound us!" Gale and Dick fell to the floor in mock pain.

Lex rolled his eyes and grabbed Damian by the ear. He dragged said boy out of the cave. Soon we heard the sound of a helicopter flying off.

"Well, that was eventful! And did she say we kidnapped her? And why did Lex call her 'Persis'?" I commented.

"That must be what Lex told her when he took her. From what my studies say, Lex injected her with a serum that wiped out all memories of us, excluding Conner. And he also must have changed her name from Cate to Persis. According to my calculations, there is a way to get her memories back. It will take tons of microscopic robots and tons of the memory serum and many all nighters to reverse the serum." Tim explained.

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