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I sped to the hidden door to the secret garden. I knocked and received a "Password".

"Coucou, hibou, coucou, hibou." I sang in French. The words meant cuckoo,owl.

The door opened and I walked in. I found Cate sobbing by the waterfall, which was surrounded by rose bushes and green mossy rocks. I sat down beside her and rubbed her back.

"Cate, what's wrong?"

"Long story short, the movie we watched reminded me of something Dr. Desmond told me back in Cadmus. He said that I wasn't a princess, that I never was, and never will be. And that I will never be nothing more than the weapon I was created to be." Cate choked out through her tears

"Why ever he said that, he's wrong. You are a princess. Every girl is. You don't need to worry about what was told to you in the past - it's not true. You're safe now, and surrounded by people who care and love you. Don't ever forget that, Sweet cheeks." I told her. Cate instantly stopped crying.

"Merci, Mr. Fast. I promise to never forget that." Cate thanked me.

"Mr. Fast? I like that name. I'm your Mr. Fast and you're my Sweet cheeks. Now are you feeling better? We should head back before Robin decides to think that we did something weird. That perv." I said. Cate nodded and I scooped her up bridal style and we went back to the gym.

"Okay, you two were gone for at least 30 minutes. What were you doing? Having some sort fun?" Robin asked as we entered the gym. My face grew red. I knew of what he was hinting.

"Robin, I swear, if you say something like that again, I'll tell everyone at your school that you're Robin. And I'll tell Batman that he really should have made you change your name." I threatened. Robin grew red and sent a glare towards me.

"You wouldn't."

"I will." I smirked. Just then Batman, Superman, and Black Canary entered the gym.

"Wally, I hope you aren't saying anything bad. Otherwise, Agent A won't give you anymore cookies." Batman said. I paled. I love Agent A's cookies!

"Well, he asked if we had some sort of fun, which is referring to s-" I started before being interrupted by Black Canary.

"Wally, that's enough. Y'all need to get in bed. Tomorrow we're having a mission."

Robin laughed.

"Got saved by Bats again. My best friend is an enemy now! Who would've thought?" He teased.

I punched him in the shoulder. Robin punched be back, only hardered. I punched him harder. Robin then punched me with all his strength. I yelped out in pain and held my hurt shoulder. The girls giggled.

"Hey,Cate? Want to join us for a sleepover? We're going over my house if you want to join."Gale said.

"Can I, Conner?" Cate asked Conner, who said yes. Cate smiled and left with the girls. I groaned and followed Robin, as we were having our own sleepover.


As soon as we entered the Batcave and the voice had called us out, it was chaos.

"Todd, I demand that you give me my textbook!"

"Help, Tim! The demon's chasing me!"

"I'm not going anywhere near the demon! Just give him his book!"

"Guys! We have guests!"

"Sorry about this. Those are our brothers - some of them are really dumb." Gale said.

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