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A few days after I had made that statement to Barry and Iris, I ventured into the Watchtower after hours. Everyone was either asleep after our space mission or home with their families. I sneaked into the medbay to see how Bree was doing. I saw Gale sitting my her bedside, occasionally swiping some hair out of Bree's face. She looked up and saw me.

"What are you doing here, Bruce? You've some nerve to even come here after what you said." Gale stood up and said.

"Gale, I really didn't mean what I said. I was busy working on a case when Barry and Iris came. I really didn't hear what they said. I do care for Bree and Mar'i. And that's why I came tonight." I said.

"Well, if you must know, Mar'i is fine. All the toxin has been removed from her bloodstream. But as for Bree...she's in a coma and we don't know if she'll wake up. J'onn says that the toxin is spreading fast and last time he checked, it was almost to her brain. But of course, you're thinking of killing Slade for doing this to her, right? He did this to her. And also, you blame Bree for bringing this on herself. She should have fought off Slade, am I right? Slade was only trying to help. How was he supposed to know that Lex would show up with two vials of potions, one being his original healing serum and the other poison? If I was in her shoes, I'd rather the poison in my veins instead of the healing serum. Lex is a villain and he was not happy when Slade didn't listen to his orders to kidnap the girls. He did something terrible to the serum, which in turn, could have killed the girls if Slade had injected it into them. I don't care what you think. I just know that their outcome could have been much worse." Gale explained.

"Look at Brianne, Gale. She doesn't look so strong now, does she? Her pulse is growing weaker as we speak. She might die tomorrow. I believe that she would have been better off with the healing serum Lex modified. At least Bree wouldn't have to suffer as she has been doing as of now."

"Bruce, no. You will not inject that serum into my daughter's body. I refuse to have someone else I love die. My friends died, Damian was kidnapped, Jason died once, and now Bree. If you inject that serum into her little body to end her suffering, you have to inject it into me too." Gale snapped.

"Gale, no. I just-"

"No, Bruce. If you want to kill your granddaughter, you have to kill your daughter as well." Gale cut me off.

"Gale? What's going on? I heard yelling and- what the heck are you doing here?"

We both turned to the source of the voice. Great. Slade. Feel my sarcasm when I say he's the very one I'd love to see right now.

"Slade. How very nice to see you." I said. Slade glared at me.

"Well, I can't say the same thing for you. And before you say anything, I heard everything." Slade said.


"Is it true? While I know my previous occupation might have given you reason to believe that I would hurt the girls, let me tell you a secret. I hate seeing a child suffer in pain or in bondage. As for Brianne, I see her as a great person who has a chance at a better life that I had. She and alongside all of you had a choice. She chose the right path, and I intend in keeping her on that path. Mar'i as well. You can be sure that Deathstroke is no more." Slade said. I was speechless.

"I have made Slade an honorary godfather to Mar'i and Bree." Gale spoke up.

"Why would you do that? Haven't I raised you right?! You don't give a former mercenary that kind of title! He could turn on you at any time he decides." I cried.

"Bruce, if you can't accept my choice, then get out of my life! I trust Slade with my life. I can see that he has no bad intentions. I don't need my powers to see that. If you want to stay in the girls' life as their grandfather, then you need to put up with my decisions. Otherwise, leave." Gale yelled.

"Fine! Just so you know, I won't be giving you money to help raise Bree or Mar'i. You have your trust fund, use it. And when it runs out, that's it. And you are not welcome at the manor anymore. You and Dick both." I snapped at her.

"That's totally fine! After what you said and what you think, I don't want to see your face ever again! And when we have family reunions, you can be sure that Bruce Thomas Wayne will not be invited. And if we were Catholic, your picture would not be on our family altar. I actually liked the years when I didn't know that I was your biological daughter. Because of this, Bruce, you may have lost all of your children, blood or not. I'm sure as heckl that no one will want to be around you any more. So long, Dad."

With that, Slade and Gale left the room. I left soon after; I had to attend to some business.


I heard a knock at my door. Yes, the one at the Watchtower. I opened it to see Slade and a distraught Gale.

"Gale? What's wrong?" I asked.

"Everything, Jace. I just lost that father-daughter relationship with Bruce."

"What happened?" Gale began crying so I turned to Slade.

"Bruce was unhappy with her decision to make me the girls' godfather. He disowned her and told her that once the money in her trust fund is used up, she's on her own. The same goes for Dick. He's still upset that I injected the poison into the girls."

"If he can't accept that you meant no harm, than I believe we're better off without him. I'm sure as heck never going to go back to manor." I growled.

"It's not only that. The conversation started with Bruce wanting to inject the messed up healing serum into Bree so that she could be rid of her suffering. Of course I refused to let that happen and said that he would have to do it to both of us." Gale croaked out through her tears.

"Why don't we have a staff meeting. Both leagues. Have everyone meet in the grotto in the mountain. We'll discuss what to do with Bruce there." I decided. Gale and Slade nodded.

"Mom. Do you copy?" I dispatched her.

"Yes, Jason. What can I help with?" Diana answered.

"Tell everyone stationed in the Watchtower to meet in the grotto at Mount Justice first thing tomorrow morning. We have very important issues to discuss regarding Bruce."

"Affirmative. I will let everyone know asap. Diana out."

"Dick. Do you copy?"

"Yes. What's the happs?"

"Tell everyone either at the mountain or at home to meet at the grotto first thing tomorrow. There are important issues to discuss regarding Bruce." I said.

"10-4. I'll do that right away. Dick out."

"Everyone will come tomorrow and we'll decide what to do with Bruce. For now, why don't you sleep?" I said. Gale nodded and ended up taking my entire bed. Slade bid me goodnight and I set up camp on the floor.

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