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*3rd person POV 

Everyone was gathered in the grotto of Mount Justice, where the holographs of the fallen heroes were shown. They were seated on the dirt ground, much to some disappointment.

"Everyone, thank you for coming to this impromptu meeting. It has come to our attention that Batman may not be at his best right now. Nightingale, care to explain?" Red Hood stated.

"Yes. Just last night, after the leaguers had returned from their mission, Batman came into the medbay. I told him off, because earlier, he had said some harsh words. Slade entered upon hearing us yell. Batman then disowned me, and Nightwing for my decision of making Salde the girls' godfather." Nightingale explained.

"Now, we must make a decision : Whether to allow Batman to continue working with us in the Justice League or to disown him in a way. Once we figure that out, we must decide whether or not to relay this discussion to the girls." Nightwing said.

"Of course we can't let this go unpunished but must we terminate Batman's assistance? He, apart from his kids, is the best detective we have. If we terminate his admission to the league, we might lose one of our best detectives." Black Canary said.

"That's true, but we still have Nightingale, Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin. If we must terminate Batman's admission, we can safely say that we can put our trusts in his children to solve any cases we might have." Superman argured.

"Batman was one of our staff who was on standby at all times. If we had an emergency mission and low staff, he would respond immediately. I'm not saying his kids don't do that, but think about it. Nightwing and Nightingale both have families with Starfire and Blue Beetle. They can't just up and leave every time we have an emergency." Wonder Woman said, starting a new argument.

"Well, you do raise a good point. Yet, now that the girls are apart of the team, they don't need constant supervision. Any of the teens are more than capable to watch them." Green Lantern said.

"Yeah, we can do that but what about missions? I know we are trained in basic first aid but what about when one of the girls is injured beyond our skills? They have shown that they only want family to tend to their wounds. What are we supposed to do when they are injured and either one or both of their parents are on a mission?" Garfield asked, finally being smart.

"Well, in that case, we might need to keep their parents off missions." Hawkwoman said.

"Hey now, if Wing and I are on a mission but Blue or Star aren't, either one of them can tend to them." Nightingale argued.

"And even if all four of us are unavailable, there's always the uncles. Just not Red Hood." Nightwing seconded.

"Si, as big as a family as ours, there's bound to be a few who aren't needed for a mission. Perhaps, the ones off duty can stay at the mountain." Blue Beetle suggested.

"That settles that problem but we still haven't decided on what to do with Batman." J'onn stated.

Everyone sat in silence pondering possible outcomes. The team was very confused on what the situation was and how to resolve it.

"Nightingale, can you tell us all the details of your conversation with Batman, please? Perhaps if we knew what exactly was said, we might have a better clue on how to fix this." Wonder Girl requested.

"Alright. Our conversation started with me trying to get him to leave, that he wasn't welcome after he said it was the girls' fault for allowing Slade to inject the poison in their bodies. Batman also said that they would be better off with the altered healing serum Slade was given. 'At least they wouldn't be in suffering', was what he said. I, of course, refused to let him do that. I began saying that if he wanted to kill his granddaughter, he had to kill his daughter as well. Slade came in at that moment and they exchanged some harsh words. At that moment I had told Batman of my decision to make Slade their godfather. Batman was enraged and disowned me, saying that Nightwing and I weren't welcome at the manor and that we would be living off of our trust funds. Once that money was used up, he wasn't going to give us anymore." Nightingale recounted, fighting tears that threatened to spill.

"Are you guys really not sure on what to do? It's obvious that Batman upset Nightingale and he shouldn't be permitted admission to any of our bases. And he should be off the League. Correct me if you think that's wrong." A small voice said from the stairs leading away from the grotto.

Everyone turned to see Nightstar. She wore her uniform and a smug little grin on her face.

"I believe Nightstar is correct. Everyone in favor for Nightstar's proposition, say aye!" Artemis yelled.

"Aye!" Everyone present called out. No one opposed.

"Then that settles it. Do we want to public or does this stay behind closed doors?" Flash asked.

"Let's humiliate Grandpa. Just like he humiliated Aunt Nightingale." Nightstar replied. Everyone smiled at her request.


"This is Iris West-Allen reported live from the Hall of Justice. All over the nation, people must be wondering why the Justice League and Young Justice are gathered here today. They have a very important message to share. Over to you, Nightingale."

"Thank you Iris. As you can see we are gathered here today. It has come to our attention that our heroic Batman has changed since the incident with Nightstar and Ember Hayle. Nightstar has fully recovered from the toxin. We are still waiting on Ember Hayle. Ember is in a coma and it's hard to know when she'll wake up, or if she will. Now Batman had the brilliant idea of injecting the altered healing serum that was given to Slade into Ember. To end her suffering, he said. He was fully aware that the serum would end her life upon entering her bloodstream."

"As a result of that statement, Nightingale refused to allow Batman to do so. I had to intervene. But that caused another argument to take place. Nightingale has decided to give me the title of godfather to Nightstar and Ember Hayle. Batman didn't like that idea." Slade continued.

"Therefore, neither Nightingale nor I are a part of Batman's family any longer. He disowned us, and a vote has been cast to remove Batman's position on the Justice League. Batman is no longer allowed to contact either league for help. We are, in a way, disowning him for his actions and words towards his daughter." Nightwing said.

Gasps were heard from the crowd watching at the Hall of Justice. Whispers of "That's mean!", "Who would do that to their daughter?!" flowed through the crowd.

Just then Batman stormed up the steps to confront the Leaguers. Nightstar stopped him and floated to his height.

"Hello, Grandpa. I don't believe you are getting anywhere near Dad and Aunt Nightingale. Not today, not ever."

"Nightstar, move aside. I need to have a word with your aunt." Batman grunted.

"I think you've said enough word to her. Hey everyone! Who wants to humiliate batman further, by revealing his identity?!" Nightstar yelled to the gathered people. Cheers erupted.

"I give you," Nightstar paused as she removed Batman's cowl, "Bruce Wayne!"

Batman lunged at her but she dodged the attack.

"I think they can figure out who I am, Batsy. And I can take off my own tiara." Nightstar removed the tiara that pushed her purpled highlighted raven hair out of her face.

"Mar'i Grayson!" People gasped.

"To make it fair, Nightwing, Nightingale, remove your masks." Batman said.

"There you have it folks! Now we now who the people are behind the masks of the Bat Family! Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Gale Wayne, Jason Wayne, Tim Drake and Damian Wayne!" Iris said into the news camera.

"I can't believe you told everyone ! I'm going to kill you all!" Batman screamed at Gale.

"You can't kill me if you are in jail, Bruce. You may be my dad, but like you said, I'm not your daughter anymore. I don't care if you were the one funding all of the equipment both leagues use. You are going to jail." Gale sassed.

Bruce was led away by the GCPD. Commissioner Gordon tipped his hat at Gale and left.

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