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"Tt- Grayson and West were trying to kill Drake and me last night. Nighting and Kent returned the favor and put the snakes in their beds." Damian said, answering my question.

"We weren't trying to kill you, it was just a joke! Plus, if I wanted to kill Little D, I would have just used his katana and stabbed his heart. But they're not dead so everyone is feeling the aster." Dick said. I rolled my eyes at the use of one of his favorite words, aster. What is that you might ask? The opposite of disaster, instead of things going wrong, they go right, or at least that's what Dick says it means. It gets kind of annoying after awhile because he never stops butchering the English language.

"Alright that's it. I'm done with your crap. Damian and Richard Wayne, get your butts over in my room for a talk." Gale announced angrily. The said boys paled at the mention of "the talk". I started laughing, soon Artemis, Zatanna, Wally and Tim joined in.

"Why are you laughing? That doesn't sound good." M'gann asked, her face scrunched up with worry. It took me a while before I could get an explanation out for her, due to me not being able to stop laughing.

"When Golden Boy and Demon upset Gale, she makes them wear one of her dresses for the entire day and watch one of her tv shows. And the best part is that they have to wear makeup too!" I choked out. Just then, Damian and Dick walked out of Gale's room.

"Dick! You look absolutely beautiful! I need a picture of this!" Zee exclaimed, taking out her phone once more.

"Shut up." Dick glared at her. Zatanna paid no attention to the glare.

"Awww! Damian! I thought you were cute before but now! I'm going to show Conner this picture of both of you!" Cate squealed. M'gann also took pictures.

"This all your fault, Grayson! If you hadn't done that, I wouldn't have called Gale by her last name. And we wouldn't be in this mess." Damian yelled.

"It's my fault?! If you hadn't run to Gale for help, she wouldn't know about the trick and everything would be fine."

"But you and West put two venomous snakes in our beds! If it were a black rat snake and a green garden snake, I would have taken them outside and killed them. But I can't deal with venomous snakes, and you know that!"

"You were raised as an assassin! I'm sure as hell Talia would have taught you how to deal with danger such as those snake! You're a freaking assassin!" Dick retorted.

"Well, what if I said I snuck out from that class? Then I don't know what to do with the snakes. And I'm sure as hell Father most likely taught you never to play with dangerous things." Damian shot back.

"We're heroes! We use dangerous things every day! How is that a valid argument?!" Dick cried.

"That's different! I meant poisonous things like snakes!" Damian screamed.

"That's again an invalid argument! We've dealt poisons before! And I would think that stuck up, proud, stupid Damian wouldn't have let a little snake scare him!" Dick shot back.

We were watching the amusing talk between the two boys dressed in ballerina tutus. But it soon got out of control. How do I know that? Dick never curses around Demon. And Demon never tries to curse when either Gale or Dick is in the room. And Dick was throwing insults that would probably hurt Damian later.

"Alright Demon. That's enough trash talking. I'm the only one who can curse here." I said breaking the fight. They glared at each other before heading downstairs for breakfast. Alfred's sure to be upset since we're late.

"And what have we here? Gale?" Bruce asked.

"Dick and Kidmouth tried killing Dami and Tim by putting a King Cobra in Dami's bed and a Copperhead in Timmy's. So I dressed up Dick and Dami because Dick is a jerk and Dami called me by my last name." Gale explained.

"I'm sorry to hear that. And I'm sorry to say that they will have to change into their suits. I know it's Saturday but we have a mission." Bruce replied. Everyone nodded and ate quickly. Then we rushed down to the cave to use the Zetatube.

After the robotic voice had called us out, we gathered in the briefing room. And then the Justice League joined us.

Bruce explained the mission. I didn't really pay attention to him, but I think we're supposed to stop this lady named Granny Goodness. And then something about Black Manta, a villain who usually torments Aquaman. I think also Bruce said something along the lines that the mission will probably last several months, if not a year. But, again, I wasn't listening so I may have a lot of the information wrong.

"If I don't call your name, you may get ready for the mission. Superboy, Robin, Kidflash, Aqualad, Nightingale, Miss Martian, Artemis, and Infinite, please stay behind." Bruce called. I left to ready myself for battle.


"Aqualad, you and Infinite will infiltrate Black Manta's troops and gain the Light's trust. The rest of you will working to stop Granny Goodness from completing the Anti-life equation. Why am I telling you this? Wally, I know about your love for Cate, and Cate your love for Wally. I want you both to know so you don't worry about each other. I want the rest of you to know so you can converse and share intel as I will not always be here to receive your reports. This is more of training for you, so you know how to lead the team on your one day. Is that understood? Good." And with that Batman left with the Justice League.

We hurried to get ready.

"So can I keep my name as Infinite or do I have to change it?" I asked.

"The bad guys don't know who you are yet, so you may keep it." Kaldur answered. I nodded.


Kaldur and I were boarding his biological father's ship. I attached a secret computer to my eyes. Everyone on the team had a pair. It was a secret computer in the form of eye contacts that allowed us to see Intel without being detected. And our eyes turned different colors when turned on. My eyes turned to a teal color while Kaldur's turned yellow.

"Ah, my son. I'm very pleased to hear that you decided to leave the hero gig and join me." Black Manta greeted us.

"But of course, Father. I just found you and want to spend time with you. Please meet my assistant, Infinite. She will be a key asset to defeat the Young and Justice Leagues. "

"Sir, if I may, I have the ability to obtain the powers of the enemy - from my main power of being a clone of Superman to the hacking and agility ability of the Bat clan. Just a simple touch or contact with the team and they will have a hard time stopping us." I said.

"That is very useful. I expect you to bring us glory. And not only are we invading to destroy them but we will help Granny Goodness with her Anti-life equation." Black Manta said before leaving.

Kaldur stared at me, to which I rolled my eyes. I knew what he wanted to ask me.

'Yes, Kaldur. I have a collection of skin from our team. And this way we will be able to Manta in a mind-link with us and with the members who know of our position.' I told him through the mind-link. He nodded. We began discussing the plan to stop both his father and Granny Goodness.

'I believe we should just follow along with my father and do as he says until we gain membership to the Light. Then we kill of Father's troops and then with him out of the way, we rejoin the others.' Kaldur suggested.

'I agree. Plus, I think that's the only way to stop him. You know, I'm so excited that Batman chose me to work with you even though it's my first mission!'

'You are very skilled and your powers will help us.'

We settled down for our long and dangerous mission. I just hope I have what it takes to carry it through.

A/N: Hey guys!!! I hope you are enjoying the story. I thought it would be a good idea to put both Seasons 2 and 3 for this story. Now, I have not watched all of those two seasons but have seen enough clips to know what the incident is. And I'm just basing the story off those seasons, but going in my own direction. Please vote, comment and add!!!

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