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"Ah, so nice to see you again. How I've missed you, Lady Vashtiee, Lord Victor." I snarled.

"Ah, Damian. Have you finally changed your mind about being the next Demon's Head?" Lady Vashtiee asked.

"Oh, I'm sure you know the answer to that. No, I've come to take someone back. Katie, in fact. It's come to my senses that you two are not the proper form of parental figures for her. In fact, one of her true parents stand right here." I replied.

"Is that so? Tell us then, who you think are her parents." Lord Victor sneered.

"Tigress and Aquaman. The daughter of Sportsmaster and the son of the late Black Manta."

"That's right. Kaldur'ahm and I are delighted to be in the presence of our daughter." Artemis said.

"Well, we can't let Kathryn go just yet. Let's duel - Assassins against goody-two-shoes." Victor said.

"Are you ready to die tonight, Vashtiee, Victor? Because as I recall, I kicked your butts every time we trained." I said. They nodded.

"No! Let's not. You can take me. I'm sure Lord Klee will be delighted to see me again, after years away. " We all turned to see Gale wearing assassin clothing.

"Nightingale! You can't!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, Damian. If you and Katie want to be free, then I will be the sacrifice. " She said.

"But what about your issue?" Jason asked. Gale rolled her eyes.

"Jason, it's not an issue. It's just the side effects of walking alone late at night. "

"Enough talk! Lady Kitten will be very delighted to have her top assassin back, Rattlesnake Ricohette." Talia said. Gale nodded, and waved goodbye.

"Don't worry about me, guys. I've got a plan. And Please don't tell Batman about this. My plan involves death. And blood. And guns. Jason, and Damian. Don't say anything about my issue."

"What's your issue?" Cassie questioned.

"Well, let's just say I recently found out that I'm going to have an extra person in my house. I don't plan on telling Bruce anytime soon. I mean, moving out at 17?! And without finishing high school?! Yeah..."

"We'll keep quiet until he forced it out of us because of a slipup that Bart will most likely make." Cate assured.

"Thanks, Cate. Well, I've got to go. See you in a few days."

Gale left and we left as well.


"Ah, Double R. How very nice to see you again."

"Likewise, Kitten." I said.

"Well you must be tired. You know where your room is, right?"

"I never forgot. I'll see you tomorrow." I said with a dark chuckle.

I walked into my old room to find a familiar face, Lucie, my old roommate and friend.

"Hey, Lucie! You're still here? I thought you would be gone by now."

"Nope. I kinda made a contract for her and now am stuck. Can you please help me!?"

"Of course! That's why I'm here. I traded myself in for the freedom of a friend of mine from Gotham. My brother has a crush on her and she revealed to us who her DNA comes from. So I decided to stay in exchange for her freedom." I explained.

"Ooo! What's the plan!"

"Batman's not going to like it and I probably will be grounded for life but it has to be done. I'm going to kill Kitten, Lord Klee, Lord Victor and Lady Vashtiee. I'll have to ask Damian if I can kill his grandfather and mother. I bet he wants to do it." I said.

"Oof. That's a lot of blood shed but then, our troubles will be gone!" Lucie exclaimed.

"Yeah, and I'll finally stop receiving letter from them to come back. And hopefully, I can find a way to kill them without any blood shed." I said.

After talking a while, we both fell asleep.

"Hey, Gigi!"

I hit my head against the bottom of the bed. I know, weird place to sleep, but for some reason, I like sleeping under beds.

"Why did I have to have a never ending mind link with you guys?" I groaned.

"Well, it's you who set it up, Gale and are you sleeping under a bed again?"

I smiled. Of course Damian would ask that.

"Nope! Just under the covers........ Yeah I'm under the bed. Which probably isn't best for me." I tried to lie.

"Well, we just want to make sure that you would want our next meet at the recording studio to be moved to in two months."

"Yeah, that's fine. Thanks, Timmy. Hey , so I just got an idea. Theme songs for all of us!!!! Tim, yours is 'Reeeeeeed Robin, Yuuuum!!!!"

"Little D, I give you permission to kill her now." Dick said.

"Dick, you wound me." I said.

"Dick, I'm not going to kill her. Think of the baby." Damian growled.

"Wait, Bart stayed shut about it, right? If he didn't, then I'mma kill him." I asked, though knowing the answer.

"No, he didn't. Is that why you yelled at me today?" I heard Bruce's voice.

"Hi, Bruce!!!! And maybe. Or maybe it's my lady week?" I tried.

"Whatever. I tried."

"Soooooo, can I name it Jason Jr?" Jason asked.

"No, Jason." We all chorused.

"Hey, Bruce? What if my plan to free myself included death? You still would love me, right?" I asked.

"Gale, of course I would!"

"Do you think that maybe I don't have the metagenes, even though I have powers?" I questioned.


"I overheard Kitten talking with the Light and whoever is in charge of the metagene testing that they're going to test the new old arrival. I'm an old member and I'm a new arrival. I have powers. I have a baby. What if they use chemicals to test me? What they hurt me, or Jessica? Papa, j'ai peur. Je ne pense pas que je suis encore prête à être maman. (Dad, I'm scared. I don't think I'm ready to be a mom yet.)"

"I know, ma chérie, but I'm here for you. I'm going to allow you to execute your plan if it means you will stop getting those letters." Bruce assured me.

"Bruce, you know about that?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, I do."

"Alright then, if you are done with the mushy stuff, we'll say good night." Jason announced.

"Jason, be glad you're not a girl and not pregnant." Tim snarled.

"Shut up, Replacement!" Jason growled.

"You know you were a replacement too." Damian added.

"....Shut up Demon." Jason replied after a pause.

"He's right you know." Dick chimed in.

"Not you too, Dick!" Jason cried.

"Good night!!!!!" We all chorused.

I smiled and slept soundly.

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