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A/N: In this story, Superman is already a brother to Conner. And the ages of the batfamily are below as followed.


Conner told me everything that had happened to him after he left Cadmus. I told him my story. He also told me everything I needed to know about the other members. I learned that Miss Martian has telepathy, telekinesis, invisibility and maybe when she gets older, she'll be able to density shift. Density shifting is being able to make part or all of yourself invisible to avoid being hit. Kidflash can run at the speed of sound. Artemis is an archer. Robin, Red Hood, and other their brothers are just skilled fighters with a hacking ability. Nightingale has fire and ice powers, which she can shoot from her hands. Aqualad can control water. I thought this is very cool. So now I know what powers I will gain if I touch them.

Before we went to sleep, last night, I asked Conner if he could help me with picking a name. He said that Kidflash should help me. I don't know what he means by that but I will ask the speedster for help. So in the morning, I asked him.

"Wally? Can you help me with something?" I asked

"Of course! What can I help you with, sweet cheeks?"

I felt my face grow hot then return to normal.

"Conner thinks you should help me pick out a name for me."

"Hmmm, why don't you use a letter from all of our names? Like maybe a C, then I don't know, an A?"

"C-a, how about a T and an E?!" I exclaimed.

"Cate? That fits you, babe! You are now Cate Kent, the sister of Conner Kent." Wally concluded.

"Thanks Wally!" I ran out to go tell Conner the good news.

"Conner! Conner! I have a name now!" I called to him as I walked in the gym.

"Really?! Tell me it!"

"I'm Cate Kent!"

"That is a beautiful name, Cate. You have chosen well." Kaldur said. I smiled as Conner hugged me.

"Cate, I think I need to take you to meet our older brother. Do you want to meet him?" Conner asked me. I nodded. Conner said bye and we left.

"So Kal-El, or just Kal, is married to Lois Lane and they have a little boy named Jon. Our brother's name is Clark Kent. I call him Kal. You can too. They'll be very happy to meet you." Conner explained to me as we drove to Metropolis. Soon we arrived at a large house. We got out of the car and knocked on the door.

"Why, Conner! What a nice surprise! Please come in. And who's this pretty young lady?"

"Hey Lois. This is Cate. She's another Cadmus project and my sister. I brought her her to meet the rest of our family. Where's Kal and Jon?"

"They're out back. Kal's grilling hamburgers for lunch. Here, I'll take you to them. And it's very nice to meet you, Cate!" Lois said led us to a back patio.

"Clark, Conner is here and he brought someone he wants you to meet." Lois said. A tall guy with glasses turned from the grill and walked towards us.

"So, did you break up with M'gann already and brought home another gorgeous lady?" The man asked.

"No. Kal, I want you to meet Cate Kent. She's our sister."

"We have a sister?! This is amazing! Nice to meet you, Cate." Kal said.

"Nice to meet you too, Kal. So you're Superman? I'm Infinite. I'm able to gain every power that the JL members have for a limited time. But I have your and Conner's power as a main one. I'm a clone too." I said.

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