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*Jaime/ Blue Beetle*

As soon as the robotic voice called out the Batfam, I heard yelling.


"In my defense, I didn't know you didn't know about it. I just assumed you'd know." Damian replied.

"Well, give me five good reasons, why I shouldn't kill you now." Gale asked in a voice that was thickly saccharine. All the while she pushed herself against Damian's body until he lay on the floor with a knife pressed to his neck.

"Um, you're a hero?"


"You'll break Father's no killing rule and get in trouble?"

"Even he's killed for good reasons."

"I'm your brother?"

"Only half."

"The team is watching?"

"Let them watch me make an example of you." This one hit me hard. Gale's looking pretty dang hot right now.

"You could hurt the baby?" Damian tried once more.

"It wasn't my choice to get pregnant. You lost your chance. Any last words?" Gale asked in a sickly sweet voice.

"Yeah, JESSICA!" Damian yelled the word out loud. Gale hopped off him and put away the knife.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, Dami! It's just that you and Bruce knowing triggered me, you know? I would never actually kill you."

"Yeah, I hope not." Damian stood up. I decided to speak up.

"Dang, Gale! If I didn't know you, I'd think that you are an actual assassin. A hot one at that."

"Thanks? But, aren't you dating Traci?"

"No, I broke up with her. And it was all a joke, to tease the kids at school who wanted us together. She doesn't have feelings for me and neither do I." I said. Gale smiled.

"First off, let's keep it PG! And second, Gale what the heck was that?!" M'gann asked.

"Oh, let's just say, Jason, Damian and I are half siblings and Jason is my biological twin. Bruce is our father, but I never knew until yesterday."

"Dang! Girl, now I know why Bruce asked me that question yesterday during T or D. He wanted to know what to expect." Artemis said.

"I'm still angry though. Like, how is Jason so calm about it, and why didn't Bruce tell us when we moved in? And he still hasn't answered the important question. Who's our mother?" Gale replied.

"I bet it's either Selina or Diana. Or some other lady he slept with." Tim joked.

"Actually, Tim's correct. The mother is Diana, Wonder Woman." Damian answered.

We all looked at Bruce for answers.

"You see, Diana and I are married. Just after we married and had Gale and Jason, we were attacked by the L.O.A.T. We were on patrol that night, and for some odd reason, had the twins with us. I wish I had listened to Diana when she said we should get someone to watch them. The attackers robbed the twins off us and we never saw them again." Bruce explained.

"I was so mad at Bruce for letting that happen." A new voice spoke up. Wonder Woman herself.

"Will you tell us the rest of the story, Diana?" Dinah, Black Canary asked.

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