Chapter 1

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I looked out the window seeing the 'Welcome to Kilian' sign. My dad sighs out loud which makes me look towards him. He used to live here when he was a kid. He doesn't like to speak of the times he used to live here. All I know is that it wasn't the best time of his life.

I stare outside of the window looking at the rain falling onto the ground. I hate the cold. If I were to have my own personal hell It'd just be cold weather. Snow, rain, all of that I don't really like. Snow is pretty and all, but it'd much prefer the sun over snow.

Actually, the only good thing snow brings is snow days. Luckily until today I didn't have too cold of weather. Where I lived the coldest it would be around 70 degrees. I was grateful for that. But from what my dad's told me the coldest it'd get here would be in the negatives.

That sounds awful. Out of the corner of my eye I see my mom grab onto my dad's hand in a comforting gesture. He looks back towards her and brings her hand to his mouth and kisses it then focuses back on the road.

I stare at their hands. I've always wanted a love like they have. They've always seemed so happy together. I don't even think they realize how much their faces brighten up when the other walks into the room. I look beside me at the empty seat. My little brother Finn died a few months ago. He was only six years old.

He died in a car accident on his way back from school. My father was the one driving. Unluckily a bunch of teenagers were being stupid and speeding while being drunk. They were going over 100 miles per hour. And when my dad tried to cross an intersection, they got slammed into.

My dad ended up getting a lot of broken body parts and a lot of scratches, but he ended up being fine.

My brother wasn't so lucky. What my dad hadn't known was that my little brother had unbuckled his seat belt. Since he was sitting in the middle he ended up getting launched straight out of the car.

I think my dad sometimes still blames himself for what happened. We try our best to reassure him that it wasn't his fault, but I don't think he believes us.

I don't even blame him if I were the one who was driving that car, I would blame myself too. That's one of the reasons why we left town. Just had to get away from that disastrous town.

I look back out the window seeing the raindrops fall down the window. I close my eyes hoping to get some sleep before we get to my grandpa's house. He offered to let us stay there for a while until we found a house to stay at.

Opening my eyes, getting annoyed that I can't fall asleep. I swear this town is just trees, it's the only thing I've seen in like an hour. Okay that might be a tiny exaggeration, but still It's felt like forever since the last time I've even seen a building.

"When do you think we'll be there?" I ask my parents as I start to get impatient. My mom looks back at me and smiles clearly, getting as impatient as me. We've been in the car for like 12 hours, maybe even more. As much as I love my parents, I can't spend that much time with them without getting annoyed. I like my alone time and being around people for more than six hours alone. Well let's just say I get a little cranky.

I'm not looking forward to our time here. I only had one friend back home. She was the only person I trusted. I even dated her for a while. She was the only person who was really there for me besides my family. But she even ended up breaking that trust.

Katie was just a whole other reason as to why we moved. She was controlling and manipulating to say the least. But nowhere as bad as my other ex.

So, I kind of plan on just keeping to myself at this new school. I don't want to trust someone and have faith in them just for them to inevitably break my trust in the end. I can't deal with that kind of heartbreak again.

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