bonus chapter 2

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"I call the play; now do you see why? These bitches callin me Manning, Eli-"

I walked down the hallway following the sound of Nicki Minaj's Romans Revenge.

I was a little confused on who exactly was playing the song since it was 3 in the morning. I thought for sure that I was the last one awake but apparently not. The closer I get to the room I realize that it was in fact Damiens room.

Which I wasn't surprised about he hasn't exactly hidden his love for Nicki Minaj songs, but then again who doesn't love her music. I got to Damiens room and opened up the door to see him singing along to the lyrics while playing a game on his Xbox.

I hated to interrupt this entertaining display. Especially since he seemed to be getting really into it, but I just had to.

"What are you doing?" I asked and I watched as he froze in his spot. Quite literally, not even his fingers were moving and I'm sure if we were human he would have stopped breathing too.

Damien looked over at me from his peripheral vision then looked back ahead and continued to stay in place. "I can still see you handsome" I said with a smile as I walked into his room. He finally dropped his Xbox remote then looked towards me.

"Please dont tell my brothers"

I couldn't help but to start laughing at the expression on his face. He looked as if he got caught doing the most embarrassing thing in the world. He really shouldn't be looking as embarrassed as he does right now. I can name millions of songs that would be more embarrassing to be caught listening to.

CPR, Deepthroat, that's hot, baby, stfu, any song by PPCocaine, and there's way more that I could think of if I had the time to.

"I won't tell your brothers'' Although I'm sure that they already know since they've lived with each other for so long, but I won't tell him that.

"You know I'm really more impressed that you know her songs. Since you guys didn't even know what the Twilight movies are I didn't think you would know any rappers from around this time." Damien shrugs his shoulders as he pauses the music that was blaring in the room.

I have no idea how it didn't wake up any of his brothers. I should just be happy they all sleep like the dead apparently.

"Of course, I know her music. Anaconda was everywhere for a little while" Well he wasn't wrong there. Everyone and anyone knew the song. I knew the song and I was like 11 when it came out. I dont think there was a single person that didn't know her music.

"Can I join you then?" he looks over at me confused and I motion to the remote that was on his night stand. He looked towards it and nodded his head then looked back towards the tv.

I took this time to go back over to his desk and press play so Roman's revenge will start once again. Then I got the remote and for the next several hours we were playing Grand Theft Auto and rapping along to Nicki Minaj songs.

Along with some other artists. I ended up showing him Cupcakkes songs. Which of course he ended up loving them. Not that he would admit it.

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