Chapter 22

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"Does holy water burn you?" I asked Felix and Jasper as I walked into the living room. Their gaze snapped up at me and the two of them for whatever reason looked sick.

"Are you two okay?" asked them. I didn't think vampires could get sick. So they shouldn't be sick. Right? "We're fine doll. We're just bored." Felix says with a firm nod. I looked towards Jasper to see him nodding in agreement. "Also to answer your question. No it does not. That's a myth." Felix adds on.

I nodded my head at the two of them. "Oh okay thank you." I say as I walk back out of the living room. "Hey where are you going?" I hear Jasper shout. I looked back into the room to see the two of them staring at me. "I'm going back upstairs, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just watching tv. Come back over here and watch it with us." Jasper says as he glances towards the tv. I looked towards the tv to see that they were watching The Originals now. "Did you guys watch all of the Vampire Diaries?" I asked the two of them as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yep and now we moved on to The Originals. Also you weren't kidding when you said Daniel Gillies was hot and only got hotter" I nodded my head at him while smiling. I knew I loved them for a reason.

"What season are you on right now?" I asked them as I walked towards the couch and sat on it. "We're on season one right now. Almost season two."

Well shit they're in for some real heart break. The Originals final season had put me through a three month depression. It's like the writers looked up 'how to make the worst final season ever then have a shit spin off show.'

Okay maybe that is a little mean. I just wish the show would follow what it's supposed to be. Hope is supposed to be the most powerful being on the earth and yet everyone thinks they can kill her. I have been liking what they've been doing in season four. I just wish everyone and anyone didn't think they could kill her. It made no sense at all.

I get back up from my spot and rush towards the door. "Well good luck" I say on my way out. I refuse to rewatch that show and go through heartbreak again. In my opinion the deaths of The Originals characters were way worse than the ones in the vampire diaries.

"Where are you doing?" I hear someone shout as they make their way to me. I looked behind me to see Julian standing there. "Hey Julian." I say with a smile. "I thought you guys went somewhere?" He nodded his head at me. "They are. I just got back, and I was wondering if we could go hang out in your room?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eye.

I smiled up at him. "Of course we can," I say as I turn back around. I suddenly feel a slap on my ass and I look behind me to see Julian standing there with a smirk.

"That's what you get for all that demanding you did in our homeroom the other day." I pursed my lips at him. Well I certainly wasn't expecting that. Julian walks past me and goes up the stairs. He stops in the middle of the staircase and looks back at me from over his shoulder. "Are you coming?" He asks as he looks over his shoulder.

I get snapped out of my gaze and I chase after him.

"We're coming too!" I hear a voice shout. Suddenly someone speeds past me. I gasp from shock, then someone suddenly picks me up and holds me in a bridal position. I looked up to see Jasper was the one who had picked me up.

Then in the next second we were all in my room, and Jasper had tossed me on my bed, causing me to bounce. "What do you guys want to do?" I ask them. Felix smirks at me as he walks towards the bed. "I think I know what I want to do." He sits down right next to me, but before he could do anything else the door whips open.

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