Chapter 23

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"Ah there you guys are. We were wondering if you guys were ever going to come out." Max says with a smirk. The rest of the guys are looking up in our direction. All with matching smirks which would usually make me horny, but at this moment they all looked creepily the same. It was freaking me out.

I look towards Damien to see him smirking happily. However, his face was as red as a tomato. In fact, the only difference between the two of them as of right now was that Damien was a shit load more appetizing.

"Oh shush. We were taking our sweet time." I say as I roll my eyes at them. I looked towards the table to see a seat available between Max and Silas. I walk over to it and sit down on the spot. "So, what did you guys want to talk about?" I asked them curiously. I would be lying if I were to say this wasn't on the back of my mind for a little while now.

"How about you eat something first!" Julian says as he grabs a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and places it in front of me. Chocolate chip pancakes were my favorite. I looked up at all of them to see them exchanging nervous glances towards each other.

"I'd rather not. Why are you stalling?" I ask them as I sit back in my seat. I was really channeling my inner Elijah Mikaelson with that sentence. God bless his character, he was hot.

Anyways back to the conversation. "We're not stalling." Silas dismisses with a wave of his hand. I give him a 'i doubt that look' He purses his lips then looks at the guys around him. "Well then. Nose goes" He quickly puts his finger on his nose, and I watch as everyone else does the same.

"Alright guess you have to do it Felix. You were the last one to say it" He looked over at me and I could tell he was not looking forward to saying it, I would give him more time to tell me, but patience has never been my strong suit. Our current predicament hasn't been helping either.

He glares at the guys around him, then continues to take a sip of whatever was in his cup. I was assuming it to be blood.

"Well doll as it turns out. Your ex and all the guys that kidnapped you had in fact been turned. They found out about vampires, and got their venom, and turned themselves." Felix continues rambling on about how it was unbelievable that they had managed to find out by themselves.

"Oh okay, well that's a lot to process." I look up at the ceiling and let out a sigh trying to process the new piece of information. Those mother fuckers. They ruined the majority of my life, and now they turn themselves, and are probably going to look for me now, or get more victims.

Can the horrible humans just stay horrible humans? Rapists and murderers do not need to have immortality. They shouldn't even be alive in the first place, and I mean that. What goes wrong in a person's life to all of a sudden want to rape and murder a bunch of people.

For the absolute majority of people there is no excuse for either. Murder is sometimes excusable in my book. Like when you're getting revenge on someone for raping you. Hell, if I could I would gladly murder my rapists'

"That's not all." Jasper says and I look towards him to see him looking at me hesitatingly. All the guys still seemed nervous so I knew that this next thing would also more than likely be bad. "We were thinking maybe we could turn you." He says as he starts to rub his hands together nervously.

"You don't have to right now obviously, but If you ever want to become a vampire. Now would be a really good time. You would be able to defend yourself if it's ever needed, and I think after the little incident in the store this is the smart decision."

Julian looks over at me with a frown. "Obviously you don't have to if you don't want to. We completely understand if you want to remain human." I pursed my lips at them. I'm really more upset at the first thing rather than the second.

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