Chapter 17

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The weekend soon ended and now I was driving my way back to school. Even after all this time I still couldn't bring myself to really care about what happened with Alyssa. The more I think about it the more I think she actually deserved it. She manipulated so many people for her gain. And who knows how many people she used her manipulation on to sleep with them.

Speaking of using vampire powers to get what you want. Today I put on a necklace and put the plant inside of it. It was a pretty cute looking necklace if I do say so myself. Along with that I had put one of the plants inside of my bra. So it would be on me.

I wasn't taking any chances of getting manipulated or having anyone else use their powers on me. I don't know if there's other vampires around town or even if there's more at school.

Overall It would just be plainly idiotic of me to not wear it as much as I can. And to not wear as much as possible. Vampires may be immune to it but that doesn't mean they can't just tear it right off.

After a little while I finally parked into the school parking lot. I say this everyday but I still don't want to be here. Maybe I should drop out and become a sugar baby. Marrying the rich sounds really good right now. I whip my head to my door as someone abruptly knocks on the window.

I look over to see Max staring at me through the window. I lean my head in another direction. He follows where I go and I furrow my eyebrows wondering how he could see me. The car is tinted so dark it practically looks like nothing in the dark. I grab my bag from the seat beside me and open up the door slightly so he could move out of the way so I wouldn't hit him. Seeing this he backs up from the car.

I get out of the car and slam the door behind me. "How could you see me?" I ask curiously. He looks behind me looking at the car. "What do you mean" He asks looking at me as if I was stupid. I raised one of my eyebrows at him and motioned towards the car. "It's really tinted. The windows are practically black how did you see that?" I asked him again. He nods while opening his mouth finally understanding what I was saying.

"Sorry it's too early to comprehend anything. Um, I just have really good eyesight." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Of course you can," I muttered. He looks towards me with a weird expression. "What was that?" I looked up at him smiling at him. "Nothing" I say as innocently as I can. He gave me a look as if he wasn't believing me.

I had no doubt in my mind he knew what I said. However I think he was either playing dumb about it or testing me to see if Id say it again. "Lets go" I say grabbing onto his hand and dragging him towards the entrance to the school

As Max and I walked towards the door I could tell that people had been staring at us. I looked around me, seeing various facial expressions on the people around me. Some were looking at us in curiosity. Some were looking at me worried. While others had been just plain glaring. It was directed at both me and Max. Some girls and guys were glaring at him while girls were glaring at me. Yep they're definitely jealous. I couldn't help but be a little surprised. No one really glared at me when I was with Julian. They did maybe once but never again.

"What's wrong?" Someone suddenly asks as I look towards Max to see him looking at me worriedly. "I can practically see the thinking wafting off of you. You were staring off at nothing." I pursed my lips at him not knowing that I had unknowingly been so open with my facial expressions. "I was just wondering why people never glared at me when I was with Julian but they do when I'm with you."

"Well honey," I glared at the nickname. Seeing this he smirked at me. "I think it's fitting. You're as sweet as honey." Well that's actually kind of cute. "Back to what I was saying. It's because I'm just so much more handsome than him and better than him in every w-" Suddenly there's a loud slapping noise and Max grabs into the back of his head.

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