Chapter 6

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When we got back into the room the guys were sitting on the couch watching the tv. My mom is currently not in the room and both of the guys are on a couch.

When the guys see that I'm in the room Julian smiles at me and pats the spot next to him and Silas tilts his head up looking over at me. I walk over and sit next to Julian and look over at the tv.

"Is it cool with you if we stay for a while?" Silas asks me. I look over at him to see him looking down at me with a hopeful look on his face. I tilt my head at him. He looked cute like this. "Of course." I respond to him.

If my grandpa trusts them and my mom trusts them. Then maybe that means I can do it. After all, they did save my grandpa and grandma a long time ago. Besides, I like being in their company. They're sweet. Well the two of them are. Obviously I'm not sure about the others, they were kind of mean a little while ago. Besides the twins they've luckily been nice to. But I also haven't seen them in a while.

So who knows maybe they're going to be rude again. They are bipolar assholes after all. I look over at Julian to see him looking over at me already. "What?" I smile at him wondering why he was staring at me. He looks up at me shocked then blushes. "sorry" he apologizes. I shake my head "dont worry about it" I laugh.

My dad walks into the room and looks at the two boys beside me. To Julian then to Silas then to Julian again then to Silas again then looks at me. He raises his eyebrow then looks at the guys beside me and furrows his eyebrows. "Who are they?" he asks me while looking back and forth between the two of them.

That's when my grandpa decides to come back into the room. When he sees my dad glaring at the two of them he rolls his eyes and drags my dad out of the room. I tilt forward in my seat and look at them as they walk out of the room. I get up from my spot and walk towards the kitchen. I could feel the guys looking at me as I walked out of the room.

When I get into the kitchen I see both of them along with my mom talking to each over.

From my dads tense eyebrows and my mom and grandpas constant rolling of the eyes I could already tell it was over something stupid. "What's up?" I ask them curiously they all look over at me instantly and all look a little embarrassed at being caught in an argument.

"Nothing honey don't worry about it" my mom tries to reassure me. Which doesn't end up working. I hate secrets. They never end up working. It just worries me more or makes me want to find out more. Which sucks because in my parents' case they never end up telling me. I usually had to find out about family drama from other members in my family.

I raise my eyebrow at them and tilt my head. "It's nothing" my mom says again and I look over at my grandpa "I'll tell you later" he whispers to me so nobody else will be able to hear it. I nod my head and walk back into the living room. The guys were mesmerized by the tv. As in they barely took their eyes off of it. What are you guys watching?" I ask them then look towards the tv. "Are you guys watching The Avengers?" I ask them while laughing. I love The Avengers movies but most people that I know would never watch it or admit to watching them.

Sadly most people that I know would rather not watch the movies. Silas looks over at me and smiles. While Julian nods his head while not looking away from the screen. "Well that just made me like you guys so much more" I say as I walk towards the couch to sit down next to them. Julian looks at me and smiles then looks back at the screen and stares again. I don't even think he blinked at all while looking at the screen. If I wasn't so concerned with it I'd be impressed. I smirk then look towards the screen. "Which one?" I asked them. Silas is the one to respond this time to "infinity war" he tells me.

"Who's your favorite?" I ask them. They snap out of their gaze and look towards me. "Iron man" Julian tells me. I smile at him. Iron man was always my favorite too. Or one of my favorites depending on the time. "Thor. It'd be so cool to be a god. " Silas says while looking at the tv dreamily.

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