Chapter 4

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"I've already written down what we're going to put into the presentation last week. We just have to put it into the presentation. You can do that part" she tells me.

I look down at the notes that she had laid out onto her desk. "Okay, where's the laptop?" I ask her. She points towards the front of the room. I walk towards the laptop cart and take one of them out. "Stop talking to Julian" I look up confused as to who was talking to me.

"First of all you cant tell me what to do. Second of all if you don't want me to talk to Julian take that up with him. He was the one that came up to me." I say and walk back towards the desk.

Alyssa looks at me confused. "What did you do to them?" she asks me. "Hell if I know." I respond to her. I look back up to the front of the room to see them looking at me while talking to each over.

"Don't worry, they hate me too." she informs me. I look over at her confused as to why they hated her. She was actually a really nice girl. She must see the confusion on my face. She smiles "I used to be a bitch. To like everyone. So I guess they kind of hold grudges because they still hate me for it" she looks down at the desk looking sad. "Lets just say I did some really bad shit to one of their younger brothers." I furrow my eyebrows then sit back down on the chair.

"What kind of stuff? if you don't mind me asking." I add on she looks ahead of us to the guys before looking back at me. I look at them to see that they're sitting back in their spots again. She leans into my side "Nothing illegal. If that's what you're thinking." she whispers to me. I nod my head before working on the presentation.

"So who are they?" I ask her quietly not wanting anyone to hear me asking. She smiles "that's Jasper and Damien" I look back up at them. They were hot If I were to be honest. All of them were. It's too bad they have they all act like dicks. They'd be a lot hotter if they were nicer.

"So why didn't you have a partner in this class before?" I ask her while typing. "I don't like anyone in this class. They're all fucking annoying." She tells me while rolling her eyes. I smile at her and look over at the clock.

"This class is so boring ... Why can't it end already?" I ask no one in particular. "Your life or this class?" Alyssa asks me. I look over at her to see her smirking at me. I smile at her "both" I tell her. She laughs then looks towards Miss. Brown. I look towards her. "Is she really sleeping?" I ask Alyssa.

"For our school being one of the best schools in the state the teachers really suck" she says looking at Miss. Brown. "I'm so bored" I told her then hit my head on the desk. I lay my head on the desk and look at the people around me. Several people look like they're half passed out not that I could blame them. It's too early to be alive.

I look in front of me to see Jasper staring at me. "What?" I ask him. "You look bored as shit" he tells me. I look at him and he has blonde hair and light blue eyes. He has light skin so not tan but not to white. He also has a stubble. For our age is an impressive stubble. Most guys at our age have a pedo stache. I look at his arms to see tattoos peeking out from his long sleeved shirt.

I've always found tattoos hot. I look back up at him to see him blushing. I smirk at him and look down at the laptop continuing to work on the project. "When does this class end?" I ask Alyssa while still working on the presentation. I change the colors of the presentation then we're finally done with the entire thing.

"Class ends in like 10 minutes I think" she tells me while scrolling through her phone. I look back ahead of me to see Jasper looking me over. I smirk at him hoping that he's not doing it just because he hates me.

"Thank you" I told Alyssa then sent the presentation to Miss. Brown. "So what's your next class?" she asks me while dragging out the so. I look down towards my schedule. "Science."

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