Chapter 21

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We were now heading to the grocery store. As in me, Damien, Felix, and Nathaniel. Nathaniel decided he would tag along while the others decided that they would head home so they could get back to my parents as soon as possible.

Of course the guys paid attention to them all day. Making sure nothing had happened to them by using their hearing, and Julian and Silas' mind reading abilities.

"So what exactly are we getting?" Nathaniel asks us. We were currently in my car that I got a little while back and Damien and Felix were in the front of the car. While me and Nathaniel were in the back. "We are getting ramen noodles, and anything else my little heart desires.

"So probably also a shit load of soda." I say with a smile on my face. I love soda.

Nathaniel takes out his phone clearly getting bored on our ride there. Not that I could blame him, it was a rather long drive. I was surprised. We've been driving for at least 10 minutes now, and apparently aren't even close to it.

"Whos Jake Gyllenhall and why is everyone saying to fuck him?" Nathaniel asks as he looks over at me. These people really do live underneath a rock. Holy shit. "He's fucking horrible, and I agree with whoever posted that. Fuck Jake Gyllenhall"

"Is he really that bad?" Felix asks, looking at me through the mirror. I nodded my head at him. "Yes" I didn't need to add more or less than that. Fuck Jake Gyllenhall.

Nathaniel nods his head and looks back down towards his phone and starts typing. "Now let's stop talking about the waste of space. What are you guys going to get?" I ask the two guys up front. Since Nathaniel was no longer paying attention.

"I want to get chocolate milk." Felix says with a smile on his face. I had to admit he looked rather cute with that smile on his face. Too bad when he opens his mouth sometimes I just feel like shoving a sock in it. I love him but I swear he can truly be a himbo.

"I'm going to get some chocolate candy. Jasper doesn't let us have any when he's on shopping duty. I haven't had any in so long." Damien admits with a sigh. I look over at him confused. "Really?"

"Why wouldn't he let you do that?" I ask him curiously. Damien glances back at me in the mirror. "He was a doctor for a little while and he likes to remind us about that a lot. Even though we're vampires we still have to take care of our teeth." Damien continued talking but I stopped listening.

Hmm Jasper as a doctor. I think I like the idea of that.

"Can we play music?" I ask the two guys up front. Damien nods his head then turns on the radio. The first song to go on was 'Shake that' By Eminem. I gasped then proceeded to smile "I love this song!" I say excitedly. Felix whips his head back and looks at me.

"You know this song?" He asks surprised. I nodded my head at him. I was practically raised on Eminem. "I should be the one surprised that you guys know Eminem. You guys live under a rock." I stated. Felix nods his head already knowing that I wasn't wrong.

I hum along to the lyrics. Come on girl, shake that ass for me shake that ass for me.

"I'm a menace, a dentist, a oral hygienist. Open your mouth for about four or five minutes. Take a little bit of this fluoride rin-inse. Swish, but don't spit it, swallow and now finish.-" I continue singing the song, and Felix joins in with me. I was a little surprised that he knew all the words. He sang the entire rest of the song.

Even my grandpa is obsessed with this song. Although that isn't surprising at the same time. He's very-. I don't even know a word for what he is.

I heard Nathaniel mutter something from beside me and I looked towards him to see he put his phone down in his lap. "What's wrong?" I asked him curiously, wondering what had gone wrong in a minute. "Well you're right. Fuck Jake Gyllenhaal." I smiled at him. That's my Nathaniel. "Wait til you hear All Too Well. That will make you hate him even more." I say with a firm nod. He looks over at me confused.

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