Chapter 2

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The bell rings dismissing us to our next class. I look towards Julian to see him grabbing his bag and throwing it over his shoulder. He walks towards me and grabs my hand. "Let's get you to your next class." he tells me while we walk towards the door.

I'm not too excited for history to be completely honest. My last history teacher was super strict and had a very boring voice. Which made the class go by very slow. We walk down a few hallways and eventually get to a room with a few kids inside. "Here's your history class. Hopefully it doesn't bore you too much" he says while giving me my bag. He insisted on holding it telling me it's what any gentleman would do.

I smile at him and thank him before going into the classroom. Miss. Brown introduces herself to me and points me to my assigned seat. The room somehow has a calm aura to it. It's like it's telling you to just take a nap and ignore everything else. I smile thinking to myself. This is definitely going to be my napping class.

I look towards the door hearing people talking. "Did you see the new girl?" a girl with light dyed blue hair whispers to someone next to her. I see her friend nod "She looks like such a slut" her friend says. I roll my eyes knowing that they're talking about me. Then look down at my outfit confused.

The bell rings then other people come rushing through the door knocking down the blue haired girl and her friend. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. That's what happens when you talk shit behind people's backs.

I hear somebody flop onto the seat beside me and look over to see the blonde-haired girl from before. I smirk at her before taking out a pencil to write the notes the teacher put onto the board. I'm on the third sentence when the teacher goes to the next slide. I hear the girl besides me laugh. "She goes through notes really quickly. I'd take a picture of the board so you can write them down later" she tells me.

"My name is Alyssa by the way. I should probably tell you that if we're going to sit next to each over for the rest of the year." She holds out her hand waiting for me to shake it. I smile at her and shake her hand "I'm Maya" I tell her then take a picture of the slide. When I look back towards her, I see her looking at her hand. She looks up at me and smiles before looking back towards the board.

She doesn't seem too bad, maybe Julian was thinking about someone else. I rest my head down on the desk. Not realizing that I was dozing off until someone shook my arm. I looked up to see Alyssa. "Class is almost over. You've been asleep for like an hour." I smile up at her "Well thank you for waking me up. Did anyone notice?" I ask her looking towards Miss. Brown who was staring at her computer screen.

"No, you're good she's been making tinder dates for a while now." She tells me while grabbing her bag. "So do you know how to get to your next class?" Alyssa asks me looking towards my schedule on the desk. I look down at it to see my next class is with Mr. Davis. "Someone's showing me around." I tell her then gather all my stuff up and put it into my bag.

The bell rings and I walk towards the door to see Julian already standing outside of it. I look at him surprised "I told you I have my ways." he tells me while smirking. I laugh at him, and he grabs the bag from my shoulders again. I smile at him then we start walking again. "So did you make any friends?" he asks me while looking kind of sad. He must sense me staring at him because his face instantly lightens up.

I smile at him "Don't worry you're still my first friend." I tell him seeing his face redden.

When we get to the door, I look inside to see a few people already in the room. I go inside saying goodbye to Julian and walk over to one of the chairs in the back after the teacher told me I could sit anywhere.


I'm currently sitting at one of the tables by myself in the lunchroom. I guess one downside to trying to not make friends is sitting alone at lunch. This is probably the most awkward experience for me. Although it doesn't seem like anyone notices that I'm sitting alone.

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