Chapter 5

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When I woke up the next morning it was completely dark. I'm assuming it's because the curtains are closed and that it's not because it's early. It was completely pitch black in his room. As in you couldn't see an inch in front of your face. I reach towards my phone which I left on his bed stand last night. Luckily he had an extra charger I could use.

I checked the time to see that it was 5:30 in the morning. I throw my head back onto his pillow. It was too early to be awake. You would think after waking up at 5:30 everyday for the past 4 years every weekday that you would be used to it but no. It's still hell.

I opened up my phone and checked to see if my parents had texted me at all. Surprisingly they didn't at all. This might be the longest they haven't texted me for. I squint at my phone. The brightness is officially hurting my eyes. I put it back down and look towards Julian. I could make out the shape of his face but nothing else. He was still clinging to my side.

So I move back into his side and instantly he wraps his hands around my waist. I put my head into his shoulder and within minutes I fell back asleep.

Julian's POV right before Maya passed out

I slam my head down onto my desk. I hate coming here. I'm 300 hundred years old. What's the point of coming here?

I look down towards my brother to see him whispering into a girls ear while the girl is getting visibly flustered. I don't even want to know what he's telling her. So I look towards the door hoping that Maya would walk through the door so I didn't have to deal with this torture by myself.

Almost as if on cue Maya and Alyssa stand at the classroom door. I listen into their conversation. I hear Maya tell Alyssa to tell Miss. Miller that she'll be in here in a few minutes. Alyssa walks in and goes over to Miss. Miller while Maya walks out of the door frame and out of my eye sight.

I look back towards the front of the room and see Miss. Miller nods and dismisses Alyssa to her seat. I listen into the hallway. I didn't want to invade her privacy but I really wanted her to be by my side again.

I hear something crash into a locker and I jump from the shock. "Miss. Miller, can I go get something from my locker?" I ask her. I didn't really need something obviously. But I need to see if that way Maya and If she's okay. Everyone should be in their classes already unless people are skipping.

I get up from my chair and walk out of the door. I look around at all of the lockers in the hallway and down at the ground. I see a body lying on the ground, a girl's body. She still had a heartbeat so she was still alive.

I run towards her and flip her body around gently so I can see her face. Just as I thought. It was Maya. I brush the hair out of her face. "What happened to you?" I whisper knowing I wasn't going to get a response.

I pick her up putting my hands on her upper back and the back of her thigh.

I can't tell much about her. Unfortunately Jasper Is the one with the doctor degree. Maybe ill go to college for that next.

Some humans do know about the supernatural. Specifically about vampires. So living a life going to high school, college, and work is the best way to stay hidden from them. Believe me If I could I would just stay at home all day. Humans can be scary when they're afraid.

We ran into a few hunters around 100 hundred years ago. Luckily me and my brothers handled it since we were a lot stronger than them. There were also only three of them. So that time we lucked out. A lot of the hunters come in groups of 10 plus people. The bright side is that there aren't many hunters. Most people are normal enough to think vampires aren't real. Hell If I wasn't a vampire I wouldn't believe vampires are real.

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