Chapter 25

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My eyes open as I look at the surroundings around me. I was actually alone in my bedroom for what felt like forever. I closed my eyes as I rubbed my hands on my face. I really do not like mornings, and I could feel a headache coming along. Which was not a good sign. For me that means I'm probably going to be sick in a few days.

I really love having the guys around, but sometimes a girl really needs her alone time. Especially with what I've been dealing with lately. I really need some time to myself. Even if it's not for long.

I've never really been one to have a particularly big social battery anyways. I could barely get through a school day without wanting to just be alone, and due to recent events, I haven't really had time to do that.

I think the guys know I need some time to myself now. Since not only have I not had time to myself, but I'm also being turned soon. I need to enjoy some time to myself before I, you know, die.

I turned on my tv and went to YouTube. Then I went to my favorite YouTube channel. One of them anyways. Currently I've had a Dylan Is in Trouble obsession.

He's a reaction channel and a pretty funny guy.

I've come to the realization that I have an obsession with people named Dylan. I love Dylan is in trouble, Dylan O'brien, Dylan Minnette, Dylan Sprayberry, and Dylan Sprouse. It's an abnormally large list of Dylans. Maybe it's just the name that just makes you like them so much.

Anyways I turned on the video of him reacting to Tangled. Which was one of my favorite videos from him. He truly does have the same personality as Flynn Ryder. Whenever I watch his videos, it now makes me think of Flynn Ryder. It's almost insane how alike the two are.

He's one of the few youtubers that put me in a better mood when I need it.


After watching a bunch of his videos, I looked down at my phone to see it was 6pm, and I haven't eaten all day

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After watching a bunch of his videos, I looked down at my phone to see it was 6pm, and I haven't eaten all day. Not even a single crumb. Which is really not healthy at all. I get up from my spot on my bed and walk out of the room. Making sure to bring my phone with me.

I walk out of the room and head downstairs and into the kitchen. I head straight towards the fridge. When I couldn't find anything that I wanted to eat I headed towards the pantry. I opened it up and looked for something to eat. There's pasta, but I don't really like pasta. Ever since I got my braces when I was younger eating it made me freaked out. It would sometimes be half in my throat and half stuck in my braces.

Which for me officially ruined pasta. There was bread. I could make toast, but I really wasn't in the mood to make anything that took longer than two minutes. I looked to the top shelf to see Reese Puffs, and I was instantly put in a better mood. I love Reese Puffs. They are one of my favorite foods.

Which says a lot. I have a lot of favorite foods.

I hear a knock on the door, and I look towards it to see Silas leaning against the door with a small smirk on his face. I smiled up at him. Then looked back towards the Reese Puffs. "Feel like helping a girl out?" I asked him as I looked back towards him as I stared up at him with hope.

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