Chapter 29

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Mayas POV

I couldn't help but to smirk as I made my way towards Max's room.

I was being serious about what he was thinking about earlier. This was gonna happen now, and I for one was really excited about it.

I opened up his door to see him lying down on his bed, he looked towards me and lifted himself up by his elbows. I shut the door behind me and made my way towards his bed. "What are you wearing?" he asks me confused.

"A coat" I shrugged my shoulders. He lifted up one of his eyebrows at me. Okay so I wasn't just wearing a coat. Well, I was but I was wearing a very long coat with one of my favorite lingerie sets underneath it. But he doesn't need to know that just yet.

I stopped in front of his bed as he looked towards me confused.

He got up from his spot and moved towards the edge of the bed and pulled me in by my waist. "You look gorgeous honey," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at the nickname as I slowly took off my coat. Letting it fall slowly down my arms. I watched as Max's eyes bugged out as he looked at my attire up and down. A blush growing redder and redder on his face by the second.

"But this-" he pauses as he runs his hands over the sides of my body. I gasped as I was suddenly flipped onto my back. I watched as he smirked down at my body. He pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear and leant down and pressed a quick kiss to my lips.

He chuckled as he pulled away. "God you truly have no idea how insane you drive me" He paused as he glanced behind him. He looked back at me and smirked. "You drive all of us insane without even trying" I smiled up at him. These men truly know how to boost my confidence.

He leant down and put his face in between my neck and shoulder blade. He bit on the spot then proceeded to start sucking on it. He went up higher my neck kissing, biting, and sucking as he made his way up my neck.

As he made his way up higher on my neck I could see more and more of the room. I glanced up and I saw Felix and Silas standing there. I couldn't help but to let out a little gasp. How did I not hear that they came here? "Oh, sweetheart don't go acting all shy now." Silas said with a seductive smirk.

He made his way closer to the bed and sat beside the two of us, as Felix stood in the same exact spot from before and there was an excited look on his face. I let out a small moan as I looked back down at Max. Who was looking up at me while leaving small Hickie's on my neck.

I smirked down at him as I grabbed him by his neck and pulled him back towards my face. I brought his lips back down onto mine. I could feel as he smirked against my lips.

He pulled away from me and I couldn't help but to frown from the loss of contact. "Don't worry honey. This night has just started" I smirked at him as he pulled away from my body. Then went farther down the bed and kneeled at the end of it.

He snaked his arms up my legs and reached for my underwear then proceeded to slowly pull them down. I heard as he let out a low groan. "You're so pretty sweetheart," Silas says. I looked down to see that Silas had joined Max at the edge of the bed.

But instead, he was sitting on the bed beside my legs and looking up at me. Or more specifically he was zoned in to staring at my pussy. I couldn't help but to blush at his staring.

Suddenly I was being lifted up and I looked behind me to see Felix behind me. He lifted me up so I was now sitting, and my back was now leaving against his chest. He brought his hands to my back and unclipped my bra. Letting it fall down my arms.

He gently slid it down my arms then proceeded to throw it across the room onto a chair, and suddenly I felt as Max slid his tongue against my pussy. I gasped as I tried to push my legs together on reflex only for Silas to grab onto them and push them back apart.

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