Chapter 28

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So now the guys and their mom were all downstairs reading through the books. Not so thankfully it was in a different language so as I was upstairs, they were all reading through it.

I guess that's one of the bright sides to being alive for forever. They apparently know a lot of languages. However, I only know English, so I was next level useless in this situation. Although I was fine with it. I really didn't want to read through all those books.

I'm sure the books were interesting. After all, it's all about vampires' powers. But the books were really big. Like bigger than the bible. Width and length wise. So, at this moment I was never so thankful that I only know English.

I do feel bad for the guys, however. I can hear as they let out a sigh of impatience and annoyance every now and then. I can't say that I blame them because they've been reading for hours.

I looked down at my phone and picked it up. I scrolled through it looking through all my apps. Being on house arrest and the guys being busy was horribly boring.

I would go to see my parents, but they were off doing God knows what. I placed my phone back down beside and reached for the remote.

I went to YouTube and put on Taylor Swift songs. The first song to go was lover and I threw my head back down onto my bed. Fuck do I love this song.

My door opened up and I saw as the guys made their way in my room. "Hey what's wrong?" I heard one of them ask if I looked at them confused, and it was only then when I realized that my eyes were tearing up.

I shrugged my shoulders at him as I looked towards the tv. I could feel the need to cry and started getting stronger and stronger the more I listened to the song, and suddenly I bursted out crying and I saw as the guys looked over at each other shocked.

Fuck fuck fuck. I don't need them to see me crying. I hate crying in front of people. It's so fucking embarrassing.

"I can't stop. Oh my god why cant I stop." I cry into my hands. "Well one thing we forgot to mention to you, like in the vampire diaries. Only as you first turn your emotions will be heightened."

I paused the music and rubbed my eyes trying to make myself stop crying.

"We didn't think you would have that, but apparently Taylor Swift really brings out your inner emotions." Jasper says as he smirks at me. I hear as the others let out giggles. "Excuse you. You would cry too. Lover is a beautiful song." I say as I take strands of my hair out of my face.

"I don't cry," Felix adds with a doubtful look. Obviously thinking it was just my new emotions that were making me act this way. Which I couldn't help but return the look. My emotions may be heightened but this is a beautiful song, and it will be played at our future wedding.

"Alright well you shouldn't have said that, because now I'm going to make you listen to it." Felix frowns at me but accepts his fate as he walks towards my bed and lays down on it. "She's right, Felix," Nathaniel adds. I looked up at him curiously.

"After you told me about Jake Gyllenhaal I went home and listened to all of Taylor Swift's music." I couldn't help but smile at him. That's my boy. "Twice," He adds on. "In a row. I didn't sleep for a few days."

He walks towards my bed and grabs my hand and squeezes it. He sits down next to me and looks over at Felix. "You're going to cry" He turns his attention back to me. "I would be lying if I were to say I didn't do extensive research on the songs and their backstory after I listened to them." I moved my hand up to my mouth, as I tried to stop my crying. "I love you so much"

"I love you too amore mio." he says with a small smile. I look at the rest of the guys around us to see them looking at Nathaniel with flabbergasted expressions. I watch as Nathaniel looks down at me confused, then continues to look around at his brothers with an annoyed expression.

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