Chapter 13

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"So do you guys want to come over to my house this weekend?" I ask them while looking around at the men around me. They all look around at each other. Seeming as if they were talking to each other. Nathaniel is the first one to look towards me. "Of course we can." Nathaniel says while smiling. I couldn't help but smile at their answer. But quickly got freaked out when I realized that I would be having to introduce them to my family. More particularly my dad.

Although the longer we've been here the more cool my moms gotten with everything. My dad however is still as over protective as he was before.

Felix brings me closer to him and puts his head onto my neck. I lean my head on his quickly glancing around at the guys around me. I look towards Julian to see him now talking with Nathaniel. He looks straight towards me as if sensing I was looking at him. He gives me a reassuring smile then goes back to talking with Nathaniel.

Realizing that he was okay with this I lean back into Felix's embrace.

A little while later and I was finally home. As in I'm just now heading inside of my house. I walked into my house and no one was home. Not yet anyways. Right now all I really wanted to do was lay down on my bed and watch TV. The second half of the school day ended up being unbearably long.

I head up to my room and look for an outfit to find. I couldn't be wearing outside clothes on my bed. That's just a huge no. I ended up putting on a pair of grey sweatpants and a black sports bra. After putting on a new outfit I go to my bed and look around at the room around me. Something still feels off. I don't know why. But it does. I look to make sure my curtain is closed and when I see that it is I go to sleep.

A little while later I opened up my eyes to see someone standing over me. I look at the figure confused as I can feel my heartbeat start racing more and more by the second. The room was completely dark so I couldn't see the person's face at all. I slowly try to grab the phone on my night stand and bring it closer to me. As I'm about an inch away from grabbing the phone the figure suddenly grabs onto my arm roughly. They throw my arm onto my bed and In a second I can feel something hard on my lower stomach.

A hand comes down onto my mouth. Making sure I wouldn't be able to make any noise. They bring their other hand to my neck and give it a rough squeez.

Suddenly the figure brings their face closer to mine.

As they do this I can finally make the outline of the figure in front of me. With a smirk on her face Alyssa suddenly punches me with enough strength to knock me straight out.

I jump up from my spot on my bed and look around at the room around me. I bring a hand to my throat. I sigh in relief thankful that it had just been a dream. I look towards the curtain to see it wide open again.

Thankfully this time Alyssa wasn't standing in her window. I get up from out of my bed and walk towards the window and pull it closed again. I hated to admit it but being here was starting to not make me feel safe again. Which is one of the main things I didn't want to happen when I was in this town.

I grab my phone from beside me and open up the first contact I see. Which happened to be Damiens. I hesitate calling him not wanting to bother him with my problems. But I ended up deciding to call him anyways since I actually have self preservation skills.

"Hey. Can I talk to you guys about something?" I asked him and the next thing I knew I was at their house. Of course I had already told my parents about where my whereabouts would be. I told them everything that happened with my dream and what's been freaking me out recently.

They listened to every word. Which after telling them about the events ended up pretty much being an hour long complaining about Alyssa session.

The guys all looked pissed by the end of this whole conversation. "Don't worry we'll deal with it" Damien says while looking determined. I nodded my head at him silently thanking him.

"C'mere" someone says. I looked towards Julian to see that he was the one who said it. He was looking at me with his hand reaching out. I grab onto it and look at the guys around me. After this the two of us head on upstairs to his room.

When we get to Julian's room. He instantly goes into his closet. Already knowing I didn't like to wear outdoor clothes inside. He comes back out with a black button up shirt of his. He hands it to me.

I contemplate what to do for a second. Trying to decide between getting changed in front of him or changing in the bathroom. I smile to myself and place his shirt onto his bed. I looked towards Julian to see him looking down at me curiously.

At this moment I was thankful that I had changed into sexier else before I left. I'll have to thank my past self for putting on a matching black lingerie set. I take my shirt off and pull down my skirt all while keeping eye contact with him. I smirk to myself as his gaze starts wandering down my body.

"Oh fuck it" Im suddenly ontop of Julians bed with him ontop of me. He brings his lips to mine and grabs onto one of my thighs and places it around his body. I bring my other one around his body and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Julian starts grinding into me and I couldn't help but let out a little moan at this. He smirks against my lips before going down to my neck and starts biting on my lower neck. Then he starts to go a little lower. I watch as he glances up at me and looks at me with a flirtatious smirk.

He reaches behind my back pulling me up from the bed a little and unclips my bra. He takes it from off of my chest and throws it across the room. Thankfully Phineas wasn't in the room at this time. Despite him always being here.

He brings his mouth down onto my nipple and starts biting down, sucking, and licking it.

After a moment I pushed him off of me and made him lay down beside me. I get up and sit on top of his lower stomach. I bring my lips down onto his neck and start biting down in a spot that I've recently discovered was his weak spot.

A little while later and I was laying down naked next to Julian who is currently also naked. And before you ask no we didnt have sex. Not yet anyways. Julian ended up getting a call from one of his brothers which ended up ruining the moment. To say I was a little annoyed would be the understatement of the year.

I get up from my spot on the bed. Julian looks over at me curiously. Obviously wondering why I was getting up. I sat down on the spot next to him.

"I want to tell you about my past." I say to him looking up at his green eyes. "All of you"

Me and Julian got dressed then headed downstairs. Thankfully the guys were all still here.

And the next thing I knew we were in the living room

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And the next thing I knew we were in the living room. Which I had now figured out they called their meeting room. "So, what's this about?" Felix asks. I looked around at all the guys worried about their reactions to what I was about to say to them.

"I want to tell you guys something." I watch as they all curiously look my way. "About me" I add on. I look towards the table in front of me out of nervousness. I didn't really want to meet any of their gazes. "Hey, you don't have to tell us." I hear someone say. I looked up to see it had been Max that said it.

I give him a reassuring smile. "I want to tell you guys. I'm just nervous." I say. He nods his head. "You have nothing to worry about. There's nothing you could say to scare us off."

"Okay well you better get comfortable because this is a long story." I watch as they all go into comfier positions then the ones they were in before. Of course, Julian already knows what happened. But I know he would feel better if I told him anyway. He's already voiced how he wishes I could have told him instead. 

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