Chapter 7

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"This school is so fucked up" I say to her as she puts all of the cupcake stuff into the cart. She nods her head in agreement. "I know"

"Seriously, be careful around them. People will go psycho if they find out that you're hanging around them. Not many get the chance to so when someone gets the chance they freak out. Especially the girls'' I nod my head at her. Right now is definitely not a good time to start making enemies with people. Considering my past I don't want to take the chance of someone finding out about it and using it against me.

You may call me paranoid but I prefer to call it being careful. I don't even want to take the chance of my exes finding out where I am. Especially considering they seem to be friends now. I don't even want to know what they would do if they ever found out where I was.

I went through so much trying to make sure they wouldn't find me again. I don't want that to go down the drain just because some person was mad that I hung around a few guys.

"Are you done?" she asks me while looking at the almost full cart. I look down at the cart and look at the items in it. It was enough for the next few days until one of my parents went grocery shopping.

"Should be yeah" we go to the cash register and pay then leave.

When we get into the car I turn the radio on only for Alyssa to turn it back off instantly. "So what's up with you and the guys anyways?" she asks me I sigh looking forward at the road in front of me.

"Nothing we're just friends" I tell her and I see her look at me in disbelief. "It's true" I add on

She nods her head "Sure" she says, dragging it out. "Look, all I'm saying is that you're hot. They're hot. You should fuck one or multiple" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh while focusing on the road.

"Yeah right like that would ever happen" I say to her.

"You don't know?" she asks me suddenly. I looked over at her for a second confused. When she sees the look on my face she says "the twins' ' she says tilting her head to the side trying to hint me on.

"Nope no idea" I tell her "The twins always date the same girl. Sometimes fuck the same girl and all that shit" I look over at her shocked and almost swerve into the other lane. I hold tightly back on the wheel and apologize to her.

"I know." she says, nodding her head. "Believe me. When the girls at this school first found out about it they all went crazy."

"They've shared quite a few girls. Don't know where any of them are now." I look over at her confused "What do you mean?"

"They all just go missing. No one knows what happened to them. We sort of just assume they leave because the twins broke up with them but even I have to admit it's a little suspicious. Most of the girls just ignore that fact hoping they'll be the next girl that they share."

"So maybe dont fuck the twins but you would definitely be cute with Julian or Silas" I smile at her as we pull into the drive way. "They're just friends." I told her again.

"I still don't believe you."

I roll my eyes at her stubbornness "Let's go back inside" I say as I step out of the car.

The weekend went by faster than a car in a speed race. It was already Monday and I didn't want to go back to school.

It's 4am and I'm glaring at the wall. I woke up early today. Extremely early to say I was mad would be an understatement. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep but I couldn't.

Unlike most people my body refuses to go back to sleep after I wake up. I can't even take naps. So I have to wait and wait for it to be night again so I can go back to sleep.

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