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I want to make this clear this isn't to all my readers. Somebody has been spamming me all day with hurtful comments about my story. I know my story isn't the greatest. It's honestly not that good in my opinion, yes, I'm aware of that.

I have had an awful day and this specific person has been making it worse and worse with every comment. I woke up this morning and right off the bat I got these comments, I proceeded to lose my phone for 20 minutes, I have two tests tomorrow neither of which am I prepared for, I have to clean my entire house for my mom's CPR class, I've been getting these comments for the past few hours of my school day and literally so much more.

Making fun of the things I like and what I believe in is absolutely not okay. I can like a fictional character if they're insane. Wanna know why? They're not real. I love Kai Parker; however, I will never defend any of his actions.

The guys and Maya are not dating. All of them can do whatever the hell they want. They could go fuck someone else right now. They aren't in a relationship. If you're not exclusive with someone you don't owe them shit and let me, make this clear. THEY'RE NOT EXCLUSIVE. You can kiss people and not be dating them. Literally so many people have those kinds of relationships.

Saying that my mindset is messed up just because it's different from yours is not only extremely disrespectful but it's also insane. You need to grow the fuck up.

Stop making fun of my characters for literally no reason.

If you're ever confused on what's going on. Read the comments it's likely I already said what's happening, and if it doesn't say then ask.

I've been getting these comments since this morning, and I've had to read them as they came in while I've been at school. This specific person has been making fun of my story all day, and I'm sick of it. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's not that hard.

If you have nothing better to do then leave hate comments on a 17-year-old girls' story, then you need to get a fucking life and get the hell off my story.

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