bonus chapter

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7 months after the second to last chapter

I walked inside the door to see rose petals on the ground leading towards the living room.

I close the door behind me and follow it. While trying to listen in on whatever is happening, but everything is dead silent.

I couldn't help but to get more excited with every step I was taking. Are they finally going to ask me to be their girlfriend? I mean if they are that took long enough. They better be fucking asking me to be their girlfriend.

I would've asked them to be my boyfriend's months ago, but to me it makes sense for them to ask. Since there's seven of them and one of me.

So, they better be asking me the big question today. They have to be asking it, why else would we have the rose petals on the ground. They've got to be.

Or we're having sex. That would also explain the petals. I would love for both of those to happen. Not sure which I would want more to be honest.

I get to the door and see the guys all standing there in pretty much matching suits. I smiled at them as I looked them over. "Well don't you guys look handsome" I say to them with a smirk. I watched as a blush grew on Julians face while the rest of his brothers smirked.

I looked around the room to see candles lit all around it. It was giving the overall comfy atmosphere that I love so much. "So, what's up with all of this?" I asked as I tried my best to keep a smile off of my face.

"We wanted to ask you something important" Jasper says as he motions me to come towards him. I walk closer to them so I'm directly standing in front of Silas.

"So, what did you want to ask?" I asked. I looked over all of their faces to them looking nervous. Oh c'mon you guys know I wont say no.

I hear a small laugh come from Julian. "So you already know?" he asks with a tilt of his head. Max looked over at him confused. "She already knows?" he asks as he raises one of his eyebrows.

"How did you already know?" Max asks as he looks back towards me. I looked around the room and shrugged my shoulders. "Well, it could've been one of two things and since you guys aren't naked right now I automatically knew which one it was." Max started blushing at my comment then looked back down at his feet.

I hear a small laugh come from Jasper.

"So what do you say Maya?" Nathaniel asks, speaking up for the first time since I've gotten here. I look at him with fake confusion. "What do you mean?"

If I'm being asked to be someone's girlfriend, then I'm going to be asked with the exact words.

Felix rolled his eyes at me but I could tell he was fighting back a smirk.

Almost exactly in sync they all say "will you be our girlfriend Maya" I smiled at them.

"Of course I will." 

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