Chapter 9

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We get into his car and he puts the music on at a low volume. "Here you can put on your music" he says to me, giving me the aux cord. "Thank you!" I say grabbing the cord from his hand and plugging it into my phone. Luckily my phone was pretty charged at this point.

I look through my playlists trying to figure out what song I want to play when I find Another Love by Tom Odell.

I look over at Silas. "So where are we going to?" I ask him to which he replies "how do you feel about haunted places?'' When he says this I couldn't help but instantly get excited. "I love them!" I exclaim as he starts driving. "Good! We're going to this supposed abandoned haunted old jail. It's like a mile away. A lot of sketchy people go there and I'm pretty sure it's illegal to go there so are you okay with doing it?" he asks me

"Of course I'm fine with it! I've always wanted to go to a haunted place."

"What's the story behind it?" I ask him.

"There was a huge storm here once that took out a bunch of buildings. Everyone was supposed to evacuate but no one ever evacuated them so they were all left here to die. Some of the building is broken so we can't go on that side but it's fine the place is huge." We got to a red light and I went to the next song.

"Have you ever been here before?" I ask him. The way he was talking about it seemed like it but I didn't want to assume anything. "No I haven't, I've just seen pictures." he drives off again this time taking a right.

A little while later and we finally get to the jail. We both get out of the car and Silas walks to the trunk of his car. "You aren't planning on killing me are you?" I ask him to see him take something out of the trunk. He laughs at this "No I brought a few flashlights. Just in case we're here till dark.

I nod my head at him, "smart" I say to him. He puts two flashlights into his pocket. Men really are the luckiest people. How can he fit those big ass flashlights in his pockets while I can't even fit my phone in most of my pants? It really isn't fair.

"Lets go" he says and walks off motioning me to follow him. I walk behind him as we make our way to the jail.

We get to the main door of the jail and he opens it up and motions for me to walk through. I do and when I get in I look around at the place around me. Although it was bright outside, the inside was a lot more dark. You can see but not to the point where you can see far. Silas takes out a flashlight and hands it to me. I turn it on and he takes out his flashlight and turns it on.

"Well It's a good thing I brought these." I nod my head at him agreeing with him.

"Where do you want to go first?" Silas asks me. "Whatever place is the creepiest '' I tell him.  He nods his head at me and grabs my hand. We walk to the left until we get to the stairs. We go to the top floor of the place and it's a bunch of jail cells.

"This place is where murders were kept." he says as we look around the place. Suddenly there's a noise from downstairs and he brings my body closer to his. We freeze for a moment waiting to see if there would be another one but there isn't. I look over at him to see him focusing on something.

"It's probably just a animal" he tells me and steps back while still holding my hand. I would be lying If I said that I didn't get scared because honestly I think my heart stopped beating for a second there.

"You know one of the murderers up here was known for killing pretty girls with brown hair. They were always found drained of their blood and found in doll like positions" I look up at him and raise my eyebrow. "Shut up" I say, trying not to laugh.

He smirks and we walk towards one of the cells. "No but seriously there were a lot of dangerous people held up here. The worst of the worst"

"How do you know so much about this place?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders. "I've always been interested in history and I love haunted places. My brothers refuse to go to them with me now so I never get to go anymore." I nod my head at him.

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