Chapter 15

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It's been a few hours since I told the guys what had happened to me

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It's been a few hours since I told the guys what had happened to me. And now we're all currently on one of the couches watching Brooklynn nine-nine. Again. It's a really good show. We were watching the episode where Gina and Jake were acting like rich people. Which happened to be one of my favorite episodes. So much Gina and Jake content. They were my favorite duo. They should've had more moments together.

Currently Max was holding onto my right hand and Silas was holding onto my left hand. While the guys were surrounding us in random areas. Ever since I had told them they've refused to let go of me. So in the past few hours I haven't even gone up to go to the bathroom. It was very cute yet very annoying at the same time. I would have shoved them off of me a long time ago if it wasn't for their damn eyes.

When I tried to get out of their hold like forty minutes ago Damien looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I could've sworn his eyes were shining.I look up from the tv as I hear footsteps coming our way. Who else is in this house? The guys didn't even look up from the TV as the footsteps got closer. So I assumed it was someone I wouldn't have to worry about.

I look over at the door as the footsteps make a stop at the opened up doors to the living room. Well that makes a lot more sense why they weren't worried. Phineas comes walking into the room and goes straight towards Julian. Julian had been laying down in between my legs. So as he does this Phineas jumps straight on top of Julian.

We're officially a pile of eights people and a dog. I'm silently thanking whoever had turned on the fan. If they hadn't I swear I'd be sweating like a pig by now. Honestly after the feeling of having to pee left I got quite comfortable with laying down with all of them. They're all like my personal pillows. Despite having muscles they were quite comfortable.

A little while later and I finally ended up falling asleep.

I open my eyes to see a man with brown hair that's a little above his shoulder. He was staring straight at me and was wearing what looked like old fashioned clothes. "When I was a little lad, if I wanted berries and cream, Mommy made me do the little lad dance. Now Mommy's gone but I still like to do the little lad dance and you might too!" Now what in the hell? I looked down at the ground confused and when I next looked up the man was dancing around and was singing. "I'm a little lad that loves berries and cream."

This goes on for what seems to be hours. And I had to say it was getting a little addicting. He even taught me the dance. "I'm a little lad who loves berries and cream!" He says for what seems to be the hundredth time. Then all of a sudden everything goes black.

I opened my eyes back up to see the guys all sleeping around me. Correction clinging onto me for dear life. It was almost as if they knew I was going to be waking up before them I swear. I grab onto Julians shoulders and try to slightly nudge him off of me. Only for him to wrap his arms around my stomach even tighter. This is hopeless. I throw my head back down onto Jasper's chest.

I feel Jasper move around behind me. Shit did I wake him up. I look up from my spot and see Jasper moving around then opening up his eyes and looking down at me. He smiles at me and kisses the top of my head. "As sweet as that was. I really need to get up." I said to him, He looks around the room at all the guys. He smiles devilishly then looks towards me. "Good luck" I look up at him exasperatingly.

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