Chapter 30

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*This is going to be a very tiny chapter*

I watched as all my men immediately sprang into action attacking the nine vampires. Then almost immediately someone crashed into me. I looked up in horror to see Liam standing in front of me with a malicious grin. "Did you miss me?" He grabs onto my wrist.

I yanked it out of his hold and glared at him. "Like hell" I pushed him with all of my strength and watched as he flew to the other side of the room then crashed into a wall.

He groaned from the pain of it then tried to stand back up, but I ran back to him and before he could do anything else I shoved my hand into his chest and pulled out his heart. His body immediately fell to the ground and started going gray.

Holy shit I just killed someone. I looked back around the room to see that there were seven more vampires in the room. Oh, fuck where's the other one? I focused on my hearing trying to figure out where it was.

Suddenly all I could hear was my mother's screams of pain and I instantly used my speed to get up to my parents' bedroom. Shit how could I forget that they were here?

When I got to my parent's room, I saw a vampire dead on the ground and my grandpa standing over him with a crazed glare. I looked around the room to see my dad hugging my mom in a corner while she held onto her neck.

"What happened?" I asked them, they all looked up at me in shock. My mom took her hand off of her neck and I saw blood over her neck. I freeze at the sight of it. He fucking bit her.

"I think I can heal her," I said with a firm nod as I looked at everyone in the room. I was hoping I could hear her. My mom motions for me to come closer to her. I nodded my head as I slowly made my way towards her.

I didn't want to go at a fast speed. If I did, I was afraid I would have scared her. Especially after what she just went through.

I stopped right in front of her and bit into my wrist then held it in front of her mouth. The guys had taught me about this thankfully a little earlier today. She grabbed onto my wrist and started drinking it

Well, I can officially say that I've fed my mother my blood from my wrist. That's not weird at all.

I watched in amazement as her wound slowly healed up. My mom pulled away from my wrist and I dropped my arm back by my side.

"You're okay mom" I say with a smile on my face. She looked up at my dad and pulled him into a hug. Her eyes were practically shining with happiness.

The vampire blood should pass out of her system in a little while. So, unless she somehow dies in the meanwhile then she shouldn't turn into a vampire.

I went back to listening to my surroundings around me, but I heard nothing. Not a single noise could be heard in the house besides the beating hearts of my family. I turned around in my spot and sped back around the house trying to find my guys.

I got down the stairs to see that Felix was snapping his arm back into place and the rest of them were okay. Well okay would be an overstatement but none of them are dead. They all looked very rugged. It was actually kind of hot.

I shook myself out of my thoughts as I looked around at all the bodies on the ground. All of them were dead. Like dead dead, gray and all. There were hearts all over the ground too. This would be a disgusting sight if it wasn't for the guys.

"You guys know I'm not cleaning this right?" I say to them. They all looked up at me after hearing my voice.

"Like we would expect you to amore mio" Nathaniel says with a grin as he walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. "Are you okay?" He whispers into my neck. I nodded my head at him as I pulled away. "Are you all okay?" I asked as I looked around at all of them.

They all nodded their heads at me, and I smiled back at them. We all knew this was going to be an easy fight. I just never expected it to be this effortless. Although who am I to say anything? I was only there to kill fucking Liam. They did the rest of the work.

"Is your family, okay?" I nodded my head at his question.

We were all okay. We finally have nothing to worry about. I relaxed into Nathaniel's arms as he pulled me close to him.

I heard as some of the guys let out sighs of relief, and I couldn't help but to do the same.

I wasn't lying it's a very short chapter. I hate to say it but there's only like one of two more chapters till the end of this book. It's a total of 206 pages on google docs. I'm surprised I didn't quit. I've never had this much motivation my entire life.

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