Chapter 11

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"Is anyone else out yet? Besides Maya." Max asks as he and his brother walk towards me.

"No. Not yet. I'm thinking Damien will probably be in his bedroom. He can't stay away from his bed for too long." Jasper says while walking towards me once again grabbing my hand.

I watch as Max looks down at our conjoined hands with a confused look on his face. I looked up at Jasper to see that he knew he was staring at our hands too.

"I'm guiding her. We never gave her a tour." Max nods in understanding and walks towards the door and opens it up for the two of us and motions for the two of us to walk out of it.

We go back up the stairs looking for Damien. If he really is in his bed I can't say I blame him. I usually spend most of my time in my bed too. It's just so comfortable. My laziness doesn't help that fact.

"So how are you liking our school so far?" Jasper says while whispering. Clearly not wanting the hiders to hear us.

"It's been fine I guess." He looks down at me while lifting an eyebrow. Knowing I was lying. "Ok the people here are all pretty shitty but entertaining. You know I saw two boys fighting the other day over who got the last chocolate chip cookie."

I see the corner of his mouth lift up. "I don't doubt it." he whispers to me as he looks down at me hesitatingly. I look over my shoulder to see Max watching us while listening in on our conversation. When he sees that I'm looking at him he smiles and drops his head looking down at the ground.

"What's up?" I ask Jasper. He has looked as if something was troubling him ever since I got here. And he has seemed worried for the past few minutes.

"So are you okay with all of this?" he asks me after a moment. I look up at him questionly. Wondering if he was talking about the vampire citation, the being at their house thing, or something else.

The vampire thing makes the most sense. "I'm okay with it all." I say while looking around the hall. Trying to see if anyone was in it.

From the corner of my eyes I can see him smile then nod to himself. Which brought a smile to my face.

Jasper stops which causes me to stop. I looked up at him confused as to why we stopped randomly.

He points to the room right beside him. "This is my room." I nod my head at him trying to mesmerise the details around me.

He points to the doors around us flashing the flashlight at each door. Telling me whose room is whose.

The last being Damiens which we walk towards. Jasper drops my hand to open up the door. He heads in first and looks around the room. Damien wasn't on his bed to my surprise. I was really expecting him to be on it.

Jasper motions us to stay on the side of the room we were currently on. I watch as he gets on top on Damiens bed and crawls to the other side. "Hi Damien." Jasper says while looking down. Me and Max walk towards the other side to see Damien laying down on the ground.

"They were thinking you were going to be laying down on your bed." I told him. He looks over at me and smiles. "I was but then I heard you guys at the door and threw myself down here."

"Literally." he says while rubbing his shoulder.

He gets up from his spot on the ground and makes his way towards me and Max.

"Okay so do you think you know where the rest of the guys are?" I ask Jasper. Since he already knew where these two would be I assume that he might know where the others are.

"No just these two. They usually go back to these spots every time. Let's go down to the basement and go from that floor to up." This time Jasper walks out the door with all of us in his footsteps.

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