Chapter 27

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***Max's POV***

I glanced down at my phone checking the time. "Shouldn't she be awake already?" All of us were getting more nervous by the second. Julian had turned her, and she still hasn't woken up and it's been an alarming number of days. The only reason I can tell that she's turning is because I can feel a pull to her growing stronger and stronger by the second.

I never thought the pull would be this strong. It's like I never want to leave her alone. I knew they all felt the same way too. "Yep" Damien answers dismissively.

So now we were all sitting around the bed with Maya laying down on the bed. Julian had covered a sheet over her body before he came up to get us. I looked towards Julian to see his leg shaking from nervousness.

I got up from my spot on the bed and walked towards Julian and put my hand on his shoulder. Trying to comfort him. He looked up at me and smiled thankfully, then he looked back towards Maya.

"She'll be fine. I remember it took Felix a long time to wake up too." Damien says with a firm nod. Although he seemed to be trying to convince himself while saying this.

All I wanted right now was for her to be awake and to be able to be by her side for the rest of eternity. Why couldn't she just wake up already? "Do you guys think I did it wrong? I mean maybe the connection is only growing because she died. Maybe she isn't turning into a vampire and instead she's actually dead. I know it sounds weird, but I don't even think it took Felix this long" Julian continues rambling on.

I shook my head at him, even though he couldn't see me. "I doubt we would be feeling the connection if she was actually dead Julian. That's just weird" Nathaniel adds with a disgusted look on his face. I felt as Julian shivered while looking at Nathaniel.

I don't even want to know what he was thinking to get Julian to shiver in disgust.

"You're not being useless Jasper" Julian says, and I look down at him confused. I looked towards Jasper to see he shrugged his shoulders. "You would think after I watched all of you turn that I would know if this was normal or not, but I have no idea. I have no idea why it's taking so long and it's really freaking me out."

I looked at him with a frown, and I knew the rest of my brothers all had similar expressions on their faces. "It's okay Jasper, there's no way of knowing, and we all know she'll be fine. It's just a matter of time" Silas says while leaning forward in his spot.

And almost as if it was on cue our girl finally opened up her eyes. "Holy shit" I couldn't help but shout. The guys all looked over at me confused, then quickly looked down towards Maya to see she was awake. "Sweetheart" Silas says as he throws his arms around her body and pulls her close to him.

As he pulls away from her to let someone else hug her Nathaniel instantly throws his arms around her. When they pull away, we all take our turns hugging her.

Taking our time with her as we do so. Damien was the last one to hug her and I could tell he was getting impatient because he practically toppled her just to get a hug.

Felix quickly sped away to get what I assumed would be blood. "So how are you feeling?" I asked her as we all settled down beside her. She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm fine, I'm starving but I'm fine. I feel exactly the same as I did before." I nodded my head at her as I smiled.

Since she woke up I dont think Ive stopped smiling. It's been a very sad few days without her awake. I swear everything in this house got so much darker without her in it. Felix came back in and handed her a blood bag. "There you go doll" he said with a smile.

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