Chapter 24

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"Yes, I'm sure I don't want to go. You guys can go talk to them about our latest situation while I'll talk to my parents." I reassured them for what felt like the hundredth time.

Currently we were talking about If I wanted to talk to the guys about the picture I just got sent. Or If I wanted to do something else. I for one wanted to go talk to my parents about If I were to become a vampire or not.

I've slowly become more and more open to the idea of getting turned sooner rather than later. I think it would be a good idea to do it possibly sometime during this week. I just wanted to talk to my parents and grandpa about it first. I don't want this change to take them by surprise or have any second thoughts about wanting me to be a vampire.

"Alright if you're sure. We'll go tell the guys about the picture." I nodded my head at Jasper as he left the room.

Nobody else was in the room so I made my way out and up to my grandpa's room. I was not taking the chance of seeing anything I really didn't want to see.

So, I will be ever so patiently waiting for them to leave the room.

My grandpa's room was on the complete other side of the house, so it took around seven minutes to get to it. I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't breaking a sweat. I really need to work out more.

I opened up the door to see my grandpa sitting down on his bed while looking down at a picture. He was on the other side of the bed, so he didn't see me coming in. I walked towards him, and I glanced at the picture he was holding. It was a picture of him and my grandmother from when they were teenagers.

"We were a hot couple, weren't we?" he says as he looks up at me. I purse my lips at his question. "I am not answering that" he smiles at me, and I go to sit down next to me.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" I say as I put my hands down in my lap. He brings his attention to me and looks at me with a smile. "What's up?" he asks, his eyes swimming with curiosity. He puts the picture down in his lap.

"Well, me and the guys were talking, and we all think it would be the best idea if I were to turn soon. I was just wondering if you would be okay with that?" I asked him nervously.

Although no matter what I was going to be turned. It would still suck if they didn't approve or no longer wanted it to happen.

"Of course, I want you to be a vampire who else would take care of my duck collection besides my favorite granddaughter." I rolled my eyes at his answer. "I'm your only granddaughter." I reminded him. He shrugs his shoulders. "That you know of. I got around back in the day before I met your grandmother."

I cringed at his words. Once again, I did not need to hear about that. I watch as he glances back down at the picture.

"Besides you and those men are perfect for one another. Make sure you never lose them like what I did with your grandmother." He said seriously which had admittedly shocked me. I nodded my head at his words. "I won't." I promised

He smiles back at me "good I don't want you to ever have to go through that." He brings me into a side hug.

I pulled away from him after a minute. "I was actually thinking sometime this week. It just seemed like the best option." He nods his head. "No, you're definitely right. If those awful boys were turned, they would easily overpower you again as a human, and we just can't have that."

I smiled at him. "Thank you for understanding," I say as I get up from my spot. I wished I could return some comforting words to him but was there to say.

My grandmother was dead and there's nothing anyone can do about that. "Oh, by the way I wouldn't go to your parents' room. They haven't left in hours, and I don't trust that so neither should you." I nodded my head at him. "Don't worry I wasn't planning on it. I was planning on waiting for one of them to come out first, and then talk to them."

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