Chapter 18

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"Soo do any of you want to come over tonight?" I ask the boys around me. Currently we were at lunch. Oh and it was confirmed they all blush when I kiss them. I can't wait to figure out what other ways I could make them blush.

Julian looks over at me as his face turns red. Even with just that thought it caused him to go red. I winked at the boy sitting across from me. "Sorry doll me and the guys have to take care of some issues this weekend. However Jasper can go." Felix says while smiling as Jasper. I saw him mouth you're welcome to him. I smiled at them and looked down at my lunch.

Today I had a sandwich and chips. Unfortunately we don't have much time to eat at school. Our lunch is only twenty minutes long and I'm a slow eater as it is. So we quickly eat, talk a little bit, then we went out. It really sucks. I  have got to start packing snacks to have during class. That would definitely make me less hungry during the day.

I look up at Jasper to see him smiling to himself. "So Jasper, are you going to come over?" He snaps out of his daydream and looks towards me. Looking clearly embarrassed that he was caught. I smiled at him in comfort.

"Of course I will, darling." I smiled at him. Knowing that my face was turning red at the nicknames again.

I looked down at my pocket and took my phone out of it. I smiled at the picture of me and my brother as my screensaver and opened up my phone to go to my snapchat. "Hey I didn't get your guys usernames for snapchat yet. What are they?" I ask them. They all go around telling each of their usernames. I had to admit I was a little jealous they never went through their bad username phase on snapchat.

I have to admit I used to have a cringey username before I got a new one. I got it when I was six so I'm glad I changed it before I had too big of a snapchat score. Sadly my old username was KittyPower67. Which now could be translated into something was more sexual.

Now imagine giving someone you like that snapchat. That would actually be so awful. It's just a huge no.

"So what are you guys up to this weekend?" I ask them curiously as I put my phone down onto the table. I watch as they look around at each other as if they were sharing a secret. "What are you guys doing?" I ask them again but this time meaning with the looks they were sharing.

"We're debating." Damien says as if it was obvious. I tilt my head forward motioning them to keep talking. Jasper rolled his eyes at his younger brother. "What this dumbass means is we're debating on telling you." I look at them with my eyebrows raised. They're seriously hiding something from me?

They've told me they are vampires and that they've killed people and have killed Alyssa, but they can't tell me what they're doing this weekend? "You're not serious are you?" I say while glancing between all of them.

"C'mon, let's tell her. It'd be so much more fun with her there." Nathaniel says while looking towards Jasper. What I've noticed lately has been that they look at Jasper when they are making big decisions. So I guess he's either the smartest or they rely on him for the answers for no reason besides that he's the oldest.

"Yeah Jasper, tell me." I smile at him as innocently as I can. I've always hated being left out. I was left out a lot when I was younger for god knows what reason and I can say that that's the reason why my anger issues have only gotten worse and worse. Luckily for me now that I've gotten to actually relax lately they've been calming down. Especially within the last year.

However they're still there whenever I get really really mad. "We're going to an amusement park this weekend." Silas finally says. I look towards him and smile appreciatively at him. "Thank you Silas, but what's the big deal with that?" I say confused. What's the big deal with being at an amusement  park? Thousands of people go to amusement parks. "We go when it's closed. We compel the owner and a few workers to help make sure the workers won't get in trouble and have the workers control the rides."

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