Chapter 16

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Instead of going straight to my room I ended up showing them around the house. I showed them my parents room, the living room, the kitchen, the pantry, the bathrooms, the movie room, and a bunch of other rooms. The only room I did not show them was the duck vault.

I know my grandpa would kill me if he were to find out that I had. He loves his rubber ducks more than me. And I know that for a fact.

So by the end of the tour around the house it was already time to go and eat dinner. And I for one couldn't wait for it. I was starving. Hell I was more than starving. Whatever word that would be. And I'm pretty sure the guys were becoming more and more hungry too. For what I wasn't sure. I was just hoping it wasn't for me...

I should really ask one of them what it feels like to be bitten. I want to know. However I'm not even sure if I ever want to be bitten. It seems freaky. And I've never even really liked getting shots. So I don't know If I could handle being bitten.

When we get back down to the kitchen I watch as my mom instantly looks towards me with a smile. I automatically knew what she was thinking. You would assume a mom wouldnt want her daughter to have a sex life with seven vampires but here she is. Acting as if she is my pimp.

Thankfully I don't think anyone else saw the look she was giving me. I don't wanna deal with that whole glaring thing right now. Unless it's from the guys. Which can be weirdly attractive. I had to admit it.

I looked at the table to see what she had made and I could've sworn you could see the love in my eyes. My parents had made shepherd's pie. Which happens to be my favorite food. It's just so good. They never get to really make it. SInce it takes pretty long to make. But when they do make it. I know I'm in for a great week.

I practically ran to the table in the next second. I look around at the table as the guys come over and sit in random places at the table. Same with my parents and grandpa. Who had the same look on his face that I had on mine. I guess that's where I get my love of shepherds pie from.

I grab one of the serving platters and bring it as close to me as I can. I pick up the spoon. Which was one of the biggest spoons I've ever seen. It was practically a 2 inch by 3 inch spoon. I dipped it into the bowl and took out one of the biggest spoons full of shepherd's pie that I've ever seen.

I dump the spoon on the plate. Then put the spoon back onto the serving platter. I push it back into the middle and look down at the food on my plate. "Hello my love" I say looking down at it adoringly. I looked up from my plate when I heard laughter come from all around me. "That's my granddaughter." My grandpa says as he makes his own plate. After a few moments of everyone making their plates. We all finally get to start eating. Which I had been maybe a little too eager to do.

I have always had a love for food. It's practically the first love of my life. No offence to any future husband I will have. Food will always be my number one favorite thing. I would make one insatiable vampire. If blood tasted like human food to vampires. I don't think I would ever be able to stop. Like Stefon Salvatore. In the words of Kai Parker. Also known as husband number one.

Kai Parker practically stole my heart the second I saw him. Who cares if he's a sociopath. I love him.

"So how's school been doing for everyone?" I hear someone say. Which instantly makes me snap out of my day dreams about me and Kai Parker. "It's been horribly boring" I say to whoever asked. I see out of the corner of my eye as my dad rolls his eyes at me. Not at all surprised with my answer. I look over at my mom to see her looking annoyed. She quickly changes her facial expression and looks at the guys.

"Well what about you guys? It must suck to have to go to high school for the past..." She stops looking confused. "However long you guys have been alive" I looked at the guys wondering how they felt about it.

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