Ch 20 - The dream 2.0

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'Ok, let's run.' Tango backed away from Etho's corpse, and Taurtis pulling his sword free. Now the remaining lot looked, it didn't seem to be iron, or diamond. Instead, it was the same colour of obsidian... an obsidian sword?

'Like my weapon?' He grinned, slicing the air. Jevin summoned an army of slimes, and Tango's hands lit with fire. 

'Stress, get back.'

The animal-lover looked up from where she was crouching by Grian's corpse in the hole, at Taurtis approaching with his sword drawn. She scrambled to get out, helped by a couple of her wolves. Cub backed away too. Jevin stepped purposefully away from the pharaoh.

'I suggest we run...' He stated. Taurtis didn't approach further. Tango looked behind. 

'Three...' he began

'Two.' Jevin continued

'One...' Stress stepped back.


At the final yell from Cub, the group shot off. Taurtis crashed after them, held back by Jevin and Stress's armies. Through the forest they charged, trying not to trip and get killed. Tango glanced back, throwing a fireball over. Taurtis dodged it, and the forest lit on fire. 

'Why did you do that?!' Cub accused. 

'It'll slow him down, and give us even more reason to run!'

'Great!' Jevin yelled, shooting slime from his hands to stop Taurtis. 'Just what we needed!'

Taurtis began firing arrows at them, unfazed by the group's attempt at defence. Stress stumbled, falling. Taurtis grinned. 

But Jevin quickly helped her up and sped along with her. Taurtis fired his arrow, hitting the slime in the chest. With one last yell, he fell for good. 

iJevin was shot by Taurtis.

'JEVIN! NO!' Tango screamed, sending suicidal amounts of flames at Taurtis. 

Taurtis burnt to a crisp.

The group slowed down and stopped as they reached their base. Cub was panting, leaning against the tree with a stitch. Stress was crying quietly, and Tango had a sudden realisation. 

'Where exactly was Taurtis's spawn point?' 


Stress squealed and spun to see her former friend standing there. She drew her sword and sliced at him, sending him sprawling on the ground, bleeding badly.

'Don't let him die!' Tango warned. Taurtis didn't move. Neither did stress. 

'Dig a hole and chuck him into it.' Cub suggested. Stress did just that, kicking Taurtis into the three deep pit and covering it with more dirt.  

'Tada! We stopped him...' Tango chose this moment of faint, and Stress sat down next to him.

'There're only three of us left...' she muttered sadly. 

'At least those robots aren't attacking.' Cub reasoned

'Don't jinx it.' 

'Let's rest.' Stress suggested. Cub nodded, but didn't move, soon snoring gently as he slept against the tree. Stress shrugged, lying down and falling asleep too.

Cub blinked, confused, as he woke up in his dream. He was by a building, and quite and impressive one at that, but everything was covered in sand. There was someone standing next to him. 


'So they just wasted all their stock to prank us. Does that sound like a good business decision to you?' He asked.

'No, it doesn't.' Scar replied, shaking his head. 'Concorp will always be better.'

And then the dream changed.

He was in a building, most of it taken up by a huge throne of diamond. Scar was still with him, dressed in a fancy purple suit with a sash and a monocle, plus bright orange trousers. 

'For selling all those road passes, Cub, I make you employee of the month.'

'Thank you Scar! I... wow... Employee of the month?!'

'Don't tell Bdubs.'

'I won't!'

And then suddenly, the dream changed again. He was running down a corridor in the dark, aware of two people behind and a cat in his arms. Something was wrong, and he needed to rescue someone.

They came to a staircase and Cub jumped down the bannister to the ground.

'Wait! We need to catch up!' Came a voice that sounded like Doc.

'Hurry up! Scar needs more help than you!'

He stopped at the end of the corridor, seeing a cage. There was a figure inside. Scar.

For the fourth time, he was in a different dream. He was standing by a portal with Scar (Why was he always in his dream?!), handing over the same cat that was in the last dream. 

'Don't worry, Jellie. Cub's coming too.' At those words, Cub felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt and sadness. 'Shall we go?'

'After you.' Cub signaled towards the portal. 'And... Scar?'


'I love you... remember that, please... I love you.'

'Me too, Cub. Me too.'

With that, Scar stepped through the portal. Cub stared at it for a moment longer, wanting to follow... Wishing he could... He closed the portal. 

'I'm sorry...'

 Cub burst awake, panicking. Memories flooded back: Hermitcraft, Concorp, Scar... Every moment in the world he'd scorned for so long came back.

It was all real. 

Xisuma hadn't lied.

Scar was his closest friend...

He'd really messed up.

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now