Ch 13 - newcomer

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There seemed to be no explanation to why the portal appeared. It just did. Scar looked at it curiously, before jumping in. 

He landed on a different ground, with actual grass. He looked up, and saw... 


Instead of delight or surprise, the pharaoh just looked confused. He didn't seem to recognise Scar, or he was hiding it well if he did. 

'Cub! I'm back! I found a portal and went through it... now I'm here! And you're here too! What happened?'

'Who are you?' Cub stepped back, pointing a diamond sword at Scar. The former-mayor blinked, stepping forwards. 

'I'm Scar.' Cub's expression turned from confused to angry. 

'No you're not.' Scar stepped back.


'You're lying.'

'Why... why would I lie?'

'Because there is no Scar! Xisuma just invented him as well as his other made-up nonsense.'

'But... but I exist? Don't you remember me?'



'Right. Xisuma definitely sent you.'



'But... but he was our admin... and he died.'

'I hope he does die... he's really, really annoying.'

Scar stepped back again. Something had definitely happened to his friend. Before he could consider much further, Taurtis appeared, also having gone through the portal.

'Scar! There you are!'

'This is Taurtis.' Scar introduced his friend to Cub. The pharaoh narrowed his eyes.

'Hey, I'm Taurtis. I'm a watcher, and I came from Evo.'

'I'm Cub.'

'Scar told me all about you! About how you were his best friend, and that you trapped him in another world...'

'Well 'Scar' lied. We have never met before today, and I hope we don't meet again.'


'Ren! Doc!'

'Cub! Please! You're joking, right? You remember Hermitcraft... And Concorp... And everything we did together...'

'You're just a liar. As much of a liar as Xisuma was.'

'Xisuma was our admin! He was awesome!'

'He's an annoying jerk who tried to trick us into believing his stupid fantasies that we were all friends in a perfect little place called 'Hermitcraft'. And that me and you were part of a made-up, utterly ridiculous... thing called 'Concorp'.'

'But it's true! It did happen! I swear on Jellie's life!'

'Who's Jelly? Another one of Jevin's stupid slime thingies?'

'Jevin named his slimes?! What were they called?' Scar sounded genuinely interested. 

'Why do you want to know?'

'I... I'm missing something. What's going on?' Taurtis interrupted. 

'This idiot is pretending he knows me.'

'Cub's forgotten me and is now being horrible!' 

'You're supposed to be his friend, right?'

'I've never met him in my life. Ren! Doc!'

Finally, the two other hermits came. Ren didn't look very happy, while Doc seemed indifferent. But they were definitely the same people.

'Take this idiot into the hole with Xisuma.' Cub ordered bluntly. Doc obeyed, grabbing one of Scar's arms and dragging him back. The former-mayor fought back, turning into a cat and running off. He turned back for a moment, hissed, and ran off. Jellie followed behind. 

'GET THAT CAT!' Cub yelled furiously. Ren chased them down, catching Jellie. Scar skidded to a stop, looking back. The grey cat clawed furiously at the half-dog, escaping again. Cub shot an arrow at Jellie, and it just about hit her tail. 

The cat yowled with pain and Scar hurried over to her. Cub aimed a second arrow, a fatal blow, as she struggled to escape. Ren looked away. 

'Stop! Please! We can work something out, can't we?' Taurtis cried hurriedly. Scar hissed with loathing, changing into a fox. Before he could change his mind, he slashed Jellie's tail off, knowing it was quicker than removing the arrow. The cat yowled again, running away. Scar followed, Cub fired his arrow at Scar. The former mayor changed into a bird, and flew into the air. Jellie continued to run about underneath. Cub fired at Jellie again. 

'Get back or i'll kill the cat!' The pharaoh yelled threateningly. Scar dived, and Doc took a chance to grab him out of the air. He turned into a lion, and slashed at the creeper. Cub fired again, hitting home. Scar turned back to his normal form, crouched on the ground, hurt. Jellie ran over to him again.

'Doc, Ren...' Cub growled. 

The two took Scar's arms, pulling him away. The former mayor half-heartedly struggled, but not too much, still shocked. Cub watched him emotionlessly. Taurtis looked awkward. Jellie scampered after her owner, scared and hurt. 

They stopped inside a building, and there was the sound of pistons before he was chucked into a hole. Jellie jumped down after, before the prison was closed. Scar looked up. 

'Hello? Who's this?' Came a British voice. 'I'm Xisuma. Everyone hates me.'

'Xisuma? It's Scar! I remember everything... what the heck happened to Cub?'

'Wait... you remember?! Scar! You're the only one! You remember Hermitcraft?'

'Of course I remember! So, no one remembers anything? And the dead people are alive?'

'Everyone alive. And Cub's become more and more... unlikable.'

'He tried to kill Jellie.'



At this, the grey cat meowed dolefully. Scar stroked her, deciding to take out some torches and place them down, lighting up the area. The admin was there, slumped against the opposite wall. 

'You ok?' 

'What do you think?! I've just been abandoned in a hole by people who were once my friends!'

Scar shrunk away at the harsh tone. Xisuma sighed.

'Sorry for shouting. I'm just... upset. I feel betrayed.'

'Me and Cub were very close...' Scar reminisced. 'Both had the vex stuff... Concorp...'

'I tried to remind Cub of Concorp. He didn't remember, and hated me for it.' 

Scar sighed again, and looked up at the piston door. 

This was going to be boring.

I've kinda lost interest and ideas in this story for the moment, and have very few ideas about what's going to happen. So, I'm going to have a break over Christmas and work on other things. I'll probably upload the next chapter around new year. 

Happy Christmas/December!

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now