Ch 14 - more wholesome angst

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You know how I said I was going to take a break... 

Well, I got bored and remembered what this chapter was going to be. 

A couple of days had passed, and Jevin was hiding from Cub again. The pharaoh had been haunting him for all that time, and he needed to get away, and spend time doing something he actually liked. 

His slimes bounced around him, except rainbow, who was sleeping cutely on his lap, wobbling gently with every tiny snore. Jello and Jiggle were changing colors every few seconds, trying to both turn the same color at the same time. They hadn't yet succeeded, but were still having fun. 

Just as Jevin was properly relaxing, footsteps came behind him and he shrunk away, scared.

'Please, it's just a short break.. I'll get back to work immediately!' He muttered in a hurry. Jevin look over, and saw Cleo.

'You ok?' The zombie asked. Jevin went to nod, but shook his head. 

'No. I'm scared... But don't tell Cub... Please, he threatened Rainbow... He... he... I'm not allowed to stop working... Cleo, please... I'm scared... I don't want any of my slimes to die! They're... they're practically my children!'

'I won't tell him anything.' Cleo promised. 'And you need to rest. Cub's been working all of us too hard. This is the fifth time Grian's been forced to go mining, even though he comes up shaking and pale every time. No one's having a good time.'

'I know...' 

Jello blooped worriedly and bounced up next to Jevin. Jiggle followed. 

'At least you have your slimes.' Cleo pointed out. 'I only really have you...'

'You and Zedaph were having fun together with the mind-control thing...'

'He spends more time with Tango and Impulse... and Cub doesn't like us having fun.'

'Maybe you could mind control him, Cub. Then all our problems will be solved,' Jevin joked. 

'He'd get really mad and...'

Cub walked over to the two, eyes narrowed. 

'Having fun are we?' He asked. Jevin shrunk away, terrified. 

'I'm sorry! Don't hurt Rainbow! Please!'

Cleo stood up. 

'Leave us alone.' She spat. 'You've done enough harm already.'

'Not until you realise who's in charge here, and what you should be doing.' Cub drew his sword. Cleo drew her own in retaliation. 

'Leave. Us. Alone!'

Cub dodged Cleo's attack, running towards Jevin. The slime trembled even more, disappeared into his hoodie. Cub aimed a fatal blow... 

At Jiggle. 

'NO! JIGGLE!' Jevin howled. Jello and Rainbow nudged their dead slimy family mournfully. 

'You'll PAY for this!' The humanoid slime swore, blinking back tears. Cub looked unfazed. 

'How? What can you do to me?! I could just kill the other big one and...' 

Cleo chose this moment to hit Cub with her sword. The pharaoh turned around again to her. Cleo then used her mindcontrol power. 

Instantly, Cub's blue eyes glowed green. He blinked, walking away from the group. Jevin was sobbing by this point, overwhelmed by Jiggle's death. Once Cub was far enough away, Cleo stopped the mind-control. 

'That's HIM out the way.' She grumbled with a smile. Jevin didn't look up, cuddling Rainbow. 

'Jev, are you ok?' Cleo asked quietly. No reply. She sat down again, fidgeting. 

'I know it's silly for me to be crying about a dead slime...' Jevin mumbled. 'I should go return to working on the base...'

'Jevin... it's ok.' Cleo held Jevin back, stopping him from walking off. Rainbow blooped unhappily. 

'No... I should go. See you around Cleo.'

I regret nothing.

Also, I know this chapter's really short, but I didn't want to struggle with writing it and take ages. 

Happy Christmas/25th of December!

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now