Chapter 2

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Tango was slain by zombie


Renthedog: he just died

Renthedog: thats bad

Renthedog: very bad

Grian: don't go outside at night. Make a house

ImpulseSV: houses are very good

Tango: I'M NOT deAd

Renthedog: what that's great

Cubfan looked up from his communicator with a sigh of relief, hidden in a small hole he'd dug out when night had started to set. So this Tango guy wasn't actually dead. And no one else had died, and mysteriously come back to life. 

I wonder how that works...?

What if I decided to get myself killed and...

Cubfan shook away the thoughts instantly. Risky, dangerous, certainly stupid... besides, how would he even die? Tango had been killed by another creature... 

'EVERYTHING IS NOT GOING TO PLAN!' Came a sudden terrified voice from above. Looking up, Cubfan remembered that he was in a completely dark box, breaking his way out with the shovel he'd made. The snowy area right by where he'd woken was full of dangerous creatures, but that wasn't where the noise had come from. Another person crashed into view, skidding to a stop. 

A... zombie?! 

Cubfan drew the wood sword he'd also made, pointing it at the talking zombie. It had torn clothes and long orange hair. 

'Stop! Please! Wait! Don't kill me!' Was the reply. Cubfan blinked, lowering his weapon.'

'You're not one of the zombies?'

'Well... I don't know. They attacked me. I can certainly THINK more than they can. Though I think I might've mind controlled one of them. Anyway, I have no idea who you are... or who I am...'

All this time, a creature had been walking up behind Zombie, with mottled, almost mossy, green skin and a frowning face. It stopped, pulsating before-

'ZOMBIE WATCH OUT!' Cubfan dragged the person away from it as the creature exploded. 

'OH MY GOODNESS WHAT WAS THAT?!' Zombie replied. 'And- did you just call me Zombie?'

'Yeah? I'm Cubfan by the way.' He held out his hand to shake. Zombie looked at it, and back up at him, before they shook. 'There's a thingy on your communicator that tells you who you are if you put a message in it. He looked over at his communicator again. 


Hypnotizd blew up

Grian: more deathing?!

Renthedog: hypnotizd no!

Grian: wait, Renthedog can you not use capital letters?

Renthedog: i don't know. 


'CUB, BEHIND YOU!' Cubfan turned just in time to stop a zombie from murdering him, hitting it in panic until it died. 

'HUMANS! OH MY GOODNESS HUMANS!' Came another voice that wasn't Zombie or Cubfan. 'Hello humans! I'm Renthedog!' 

'Renthedog?! I'm Cubfan135.'

'Really?! I just almost died trying to learn how to use capital letters!'

'I almost died learning that I can turn off capital letters!' Replied Cubfan with equal excitement. 'Dude, this world is insane... me and Zombie almost blew up.'

Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now