Ch 22 - Sadness and regret

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'Scar...' Cub muttered his friend's name quietly, falling next to the body. 'No... you... you...' 

He began to weep, tears like rain. Every cell of his body regretted everything... this was his fault... this was all his fault. And now he had to live with it. If he hadn't been such a terrible person... If he had only realised sooner... 

He didn't have to live with it though. 

Before he could think, he'd grabbed his sword and was ready to join Scar. He was just about to when...

'Cub?' Came a British-sounding voice behind. Xisuma. The pharaoh froze, silent. 'What happened?'

'Let me die here in peace.' He spat back. 

'Cub! No!'

'Yes! I can and will. I've done nothing good here! And now I've got Scar killed...'

'Cub, what did you - wait, did you kill Scar?!'

'Good as... I led NPG down here by accident. I could've closed the door behind... I could've killed NPG sooner... I wish I'd remembered sooner...'

'Wait... you remember?'

'Hermitcraft? Yeah.'


'Oh, right. Yeah, you were right... you're not a lying idiot trying to be popular... whatever...' Cub trailed away as he found even more to hate himself for. He raised the sword to strike again. X crawled over and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

'Cub... do you really think this is your fault?'

'What do you THINK?!' The pharaoh faced Xisuma, glaring at him. 

'I'm sorry. That was a stupid question.'

'Yeah, it was.'

'Put down the sword, Cub.' 

The pharaoh obeyed, brushing tears roughly of his face. 

'I don't think you did this.'

'You don't know what I did.'

'Then what did you do?'

'Caused two hermits' deaths, killed one of Jevin's slimes while he watched, forced everyone to work on our base... Made people do stuff they didn't want to do, including sending Grian mining, which he hated. I ruined everything! And now it's just me, you, Stress, Tango and Beef.'

'I'm sorry.'

'I'm a murderer. I'm just as bad as NPG.'

'Who's NPG?'

'An evil robot that looks like Grian. He was the one that... that...'

Xisuma nodded, understanding. 

'Scar was my best friend. But I treated him awfully here. And I tricked him into going into another world to be safe by lying.'

'He never blamed you.' X replied simply. 

'He... didn't?'

'No, he didn't. He was always sure that at some point you'd realize.'

Cub began crying again, and pretended he wasn't.

'Now I'm even more of a jerk because I caused his death.'

'No, you didn't'

'I could've done everything better! I'm an idiot of a person! I put you in here for telling the truth!'

'I forgive you.'

'You shouldn't...'

'Cub, you're a good person. Scar was right. You're kind, and funny...'

'And caused Impulse and Zedaph's deaths by literally shoving one of them in the face of someone who wanted to kill me!'

'Everyone makes mistakes...'

'Not THAT kind of mistake!'

'Cub, when will you realize how nice you are?'

'When I start lying to myself. What I've done is WRONG. It's the kind of thing that NPG or Taurtis might do.'


'He pretended to be our friend and then killed Grian in cold blood.' 

'Scar trusted him too.'

'Scar trusted too much.'

'You don't trust yourself enough.'

'Everyone hates me.'

'I don't.'

'Well, you're stupid.'

'Cub, it's ok... You're a good person.'

'No. I'm. not!'

Suddenly, there came a loud scream from above. The scream of someone dying. 


Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now