Ch 3 - Cleo

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Cleo was doing GREAT. 

She'd woken up on a single block of grass in the middle of the ocean, unable to remember anything. So, she did the only thing she could. Swim.

It turned out there were blue zombies trying to kill her under the water.

Note: do not swim in water full blue zombies trying to kill you. 

Instead of continuing with her task, she grabbed some sand from the bottom of the ocean and decided to make a bridge. The sand refused to cooperate. Cleo got upset. 

Everything was going GREAT.

Her next idea was to dig under the entire ocean. She discarded it when she was stuck in a 3-deep hole surrounded by murderous blue zombies, about to drown. 

After several more attempts to do something OTHER than swim, she decided her first idea was the best and swam. It wasn't helpful that a metal... thing on her wrist was buzzing, and she didn't know how to use it. But somehow there was success, and Cleo reached land. 

Said land was a desert and said desert was covered in nasty things. Also, it was night.


Cleo grabbed some sticks from bushes around her and killed a few zombies with it. One dropped a sword, and Cleo picked it up. 

Note: fighting with a sword is better than a stick. 

She got through the attack relatively quickly, but died. 

And rose again on the one block in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by blue zombies. As said previously, GREAT.

On the second attempt, she got to shore faster and grabbed her sword. 

Note: blue zombies are better than other creatures when it comes to survival. When it is night, stay in water. 

Cleo died again. 

Cleo respawned on the island again. 

She stayed there for the rest of the night. 

Note: blue zombies can throw blue pointy sticks at you. Blue pointy sticks are bad.

Cleo died several more times before it was morning, but when it was she returned to shore and set off through the desert. To say the desert was small was an understatement. It took almost until night again to cross, but when she did she saw a strange, clearly man made, thing in the distance. She decided to go towards it, but there was more water in the way, and she did not want to face the blue zombies again. 

However, it was night. 

When it is night, stay in water.

Cleo jumped into the water and swam again towards the thing. It didn't actually take too long to reach land again, and she stood up. 

Note: when you see something man made, there are normally people nearby

Note: people are scared of you, and are worse than the evil creatures. 

'WAIT!' She yelled, half scared and half frustrated. The other people stopped, and Cleo got a good look at them. 

The one closest to her, pointing a sword, had strange gold hair and red eyes. He also wore red and black clothes. Behind him was another person with brown hair and eyes, with the face of the exploding creature on his top. A third looked like he was made of... blue slime? The fourth was talking to a pair of pink four legged things. 

Red-eyes stepped back, unhappy, as though he'd heard some kind of instruction from another person. Cleo looked scared. 

'Please don't kill me. I've died so many times already...' she pleaded. 

'Fine. Who are you? Your name would've come up in chat.' 


'I'm Tango, and this is Jevin, Impulse and Zedaph. How do we know we can trust you?'

'Because I'm like you! I'm a person! I exist.'

'How come you look like a zombie?' The brown haired one, Impulse, came closer. Cleo looked surprised, staring at her hands. It was the first time she'd properly acknowledged that they were green. 

'Wait... I need to see my reflection.' 

Cleo rushed over to the water, staring into it. Sure enough, a ginger zombie stared back at her, with vines in her hair and green skin.

'H... how didn't I realise? I... I didn't know.' 

'It's ok.' Jevin called over. 'You're not too different from me. I'm a slime!' 

Cleo smiled, reassured. 

'Thanks, Jevin. You lot will be good friends.' 

Impulse suddenly laughed out loud, and Cleo stared at him.

'Oh, me, Tango and Zed have a psychic connection. Someone just told an inappropriate joke.' 

'You said something about a chat? I have this communication thing.'

'Yeah, that's it. Just press the 'on' button and the chat's the first thing you see.' 

Cleo tried that and it worked, a list of comments showing up.

Zombiecleo: hello

Xisumavoid: hello :)

Cubfan135: you died a lot

Zombiecleo: I know.

Zombiecleo: I was there.

Tango: she's with us. We just found her.

Xisumavoid: great!

Zombiecleo: how do I pronounce your name? 

Grian: NOT X-I-suma

Iskall85: Rude.

Xisumavoid: it's hard to explain. 'Izooma' is the closest thing I can think of to the actual. 

Zombiecleo: also, does anyone know why I have a strange urge to break someone's legs?

Zombiecleo: asking for a friend.

Xisumavoid: something you did before you lost your memory. Don't worry.

Cleo closed the chat and looked back at the group she'd found. Zedaph had finally stopped with the pigs and had joined the others. 

'What's the thingy you're building?' She asked.

'A safe place to hide from the mobs. We put out torches too so they wouldn't come near us. It seems they don't come out around light. 

'Interesting. Can I help you build?' 

'Sure! Why not? But first, we need to wait for dawn. Come on, I'll show you our safe-hole.'

Who wants me to do actual names for the chapters? Because I'm kind of considering it. 

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