Ch 15 - NPG

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A figure in a black and teal hoodie walked towards the stone structure uncertainly. He had brown hair and a beard, and was quite young. He almost reached the entrance when he stopped. 

Another person walked out of the place. They had a white hoodie, black jeans and a red bandanna. They also seemed to be half-metal. The person grinned. 

'Who are you?'


'I'm Bdubs.'

'Hey... um... Can I stay with you? In here? There are horrible creatures that come out at night and...'

'Sure. I understand. I'm... well, don't tell anyone, but I'm scared of the night. Doesn't help that I can tell exactly when it is.'

'Can I come in then?'

'Oh, of course. Come in, come in. I'll let you meet our... leader.'

xB followed Bdubs in, eyes darting around, taking in everything. He didn't quite trust his new 'friend' and the robotics certainly creeped him out slightly.

'Hey! NPG! We have a new... friend.' 

Another robot stepped from the shadows. They had a red sweater, shaggy dark-strawberry-blonde hair and black eyes. xB stepped back.

'Hello... I'm xBCrafted and...'

'NPC Grian, also called NPG or if you want to annoy me, Non Player Character Grian. But I'm sure you don't want to annoy me. Do you like Rustic houses?'

'I... I... guess they look nice. Why do you ask?'

'They are by far the best thing to be invented. You agree, yes?'

'I... I guess so. Mycelium's quite good too... I saw some on my travels. It's very... purple.'

'But we're talking about rustic houses, not mycelium.' NPG tilted his head to the side, very passive aggressive.'

'Ok-ay... I'm just going to leave now... find somewhere else to go... I'm sure you're lovely people, really. But...'

'You're not leaving.'

xB froze as NPG's voice grew steely. Bdubs gripped his shoulder, stopping him from escaping. 


'You'll join us, even if you hate it. We'll turn you into one of us.'

'Please, can you let go? Can you let me go? I'm scared... please, NPG...'

'You came in here, so it's your fault. Would you like to meet the other friend we have?'

'HELP!'xB yelled, struggling. Bdubs held him back ever tighter. 

'NPG will help you, xB! Get rid of all those bad emotions, get rid of all that bad stuff...'



xB turned back to NPG, trembling. The robot's eyes were now red. 

'You'll love it here, xB. Come on. Just stay still so I can improve you.' 

xB tried to fight his way out again. He whimpered quietly. 

'Please... no...'

'How about YES?'


'IT'S NIGHT!' Bdubs yelled unexpectedly. He suddenly grabbed a bed from notch-knows-where and placed it on the ground, sleeping. xB drew a stone sword, pointing it at NPG. The robot looked intregued. 

'What will you do with that?'

'Put it in your stomach maybe?'

'Oh, no. I wouldn't enjoy that.'

'Good.' xB stabbed quickly. NPG dodged. 

'Try harder, maybe...'

xB sliced again, barely missing. 

'Hey! A little help maybe?' NPG yelled. Two other figures crashed into the room. One was quite old, with a black top saying 'TFC' on. The other wore strange red armour, with white hair and purple eyes. Both were also robots. 

'EX? Stop this idiot from escaping. TFC, block any way of exiting. 

xB sliced at EX. The red-armoured robot drew his sword as a warning and knocked him down. xB scrambled away, standing up and slashing a few more times. NPG only watched, his hands glowing with some reddish magic stuff. 

EX came in ever closer, trying to hit xB again. The non-robot ran, grabbing his bow and firing his first arrow. It struck EX right in the face. 

Evil Xisumavoid was shot by xBCrafted. 

'Take that! Yeah!'

But he didn't anticipate respawning. A couple minutes of oblivious celebrating passed, before EX ran up behind him and shoved him over. xB looked back, horrified, slicing again his his sword. He was quickly pinned by EX though. The non-robot looked at NPG from his new position pushed to the ground with a sword at his back. 

'Please don't kill me...' He pleaded quietly. NPG grinned maniacally, the magic-stuff at his hands flaring up. 

'Oh, I won't kill you.' The robot tilted his head to the side with a smile. 'What I'll do is much worse.'

Woo! Short chapters! Seem to be all I can do these days... 

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