Ch 21 - reunion

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Happy new year! Frost is gone to hibernate for the rest of 2021, so Ember is back for a long time. 

Doesn't really stop me wanting to murder all your favorite characters...

Scar sighed as he lay in his prison. Xisuma was asleep, but he was still awake. He had no idea how late/early it was... It could be midnight, or it could be midday for all he cared. 

All that mattered to him was that Cub had betrayed him again. He'd been the most horrible, unfriendly, controlling person he'd ever met. His 'friend' even tried to kill Jellie. Scar could never forgive that...

The sound of pistons came from above, and the door of the prison opened. A figure jumped in.

'Scar...' They began.


'You... You remember?'

'I remember everything... I'm a stupid idiot.'

'You were a bit more than that!'

'I'm seriously sorry about absolutely everything... For lying, for sending you there and for being so... evil when you came back. I didn't want it to be true... I'm a terrible person, and I don't deserve your friendship.' 

Scar didn't speak. Cub looked away. 

'I... do you want to be free?'

Still no response. 


'You tried to kill Jellie.'

'Is she ok?'

'Yes. And you shouted at me. You tried to kill me too. You were horrible.'

'I'm sorry.'

'And you sent me to a wasteland.'

'I... wait, what happened to Evo?!'

'Watchers, apparently. That's what Taurtis said.'

'Taurtis betrayed everyone, by the way. And most people are now dead. You missed a lot.'

'And who caused me to miss it?'

'I know, I did. But... but Scar... please... Forgive me...'

No reply.


'Cub, I don't know! I need time to think. Sure, I forgive you. But it's not the same. We're in a different world...'

'Scar, please, there are 5 people left including you and Xisuma... We're going to die. Taurtis is a murderous traitor, there's an evil robot that looks like Grian that's trying to kill us too. Grian himself is dead... it's me, Tango and Stress at the moment... please... Scar... I can't do this without you.' 

Scar looked around to see Cub crying. He looked down at the ground. 

'Cub... Wanna hug?'

Cub nodded, and the two hugged. Scar smiled to himself. 

'I never hated you... Just every single thing you did from the moment you tricked me.'

Cub laughed, and the two broke away. 

'Everything i did there i regret...' 

'What stuff did you do? I'm curious.'

'Well, I forced everyone to work on building this base, threatened Jevin several times, caused Impulse and Zedaph's deaths when NPG's army attacked.'


'The Grian-robot thing...'

'And you caused 2 hermit permadeaths?'

'I'm not proud of what I did, ok?!' Cub burst out. He sunk against the wall. Scar sat next to him, a hand on the pharaoh's shoulder.

'It's ok... You weren't thinking straight.'

'I was missing you. I didn't know, but inside I knew someone was missing. And when you came... I just couldn't take it, I thought you were lying... I can't justify my actions... I'm a monster.'

'No you're not.'

'Thanks, but I am.'

'Having fun here?' A voice came from outside the prison. Cub drew his sword as NPG jumped down. 

'Scar, get behind me.' Cub stood up, weapon ready. Scar drew his own, but obeyed quickly. 

'So this is NPG?'


'He doesn't look very friendly.'

'And when he kills, it's permadeath. 

'That's great.'

'I know.'

NPG ran towards them, but Cub swung his sword at him. The robot fell to the side, but sliced up at the quickly retreating pharaoh. Cub slashed for him, and the sword met. NPG's fell away, swinging a decapitating blow. Cub ducked, and Scar jumped back. The robot swiped at the pharaoh's legs, tripping him. Cub hit the ground, scrambling to stand up again before Scar was hurt. He stabbed at NPG, and hit home. Oil spilt as blood. The robot punched back, sword discarded. Cub hit the wall hard with a broken nose. 

'CUB!' Scar howled. NPG turned to the former-mayor, who gulped and stepped back. The robot slashed, and Scar blocked. NPG stabbed, and the mayor ran around him, hitting the robot's head  as he passed. The two stood looking at each other while Cub stood up shakily again. Scar nodded at him. NPG aimed a killing blow at the former mayor, but it was blocked by Cub. The robot turned to face the pharaoh again, and the two fell into another sword fight while Scar watched. 

'Run! Scar, get out of here. I'll hold Rusty off.'

'I'm not letting you die for me!' Scar retorted.

'I'm not letting you die!'

'Cub, please...'

'Just go!'

Scar held back his emotions again. 

'I don't... I can't lose you!'

'Well, tough.'

'You can't die for me!'

Scar struck NPG on the back of the head and the robot turned quickly. Cub took his chance and stabbed the robot's chest. 

NPC Grian was slain by Cubfan135

Scar smiled over awkwardly, eyes flicking between the pharaoh and NPG's sword sticking through his stomach.


GoodTimewithScar was slain by NPC Grian.

*evil laughter

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