Ch 9 - The Fight

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Doc watched the area around the fortress. It was quiet, as normal, but he knew something was coming. Joe looked over at him nervously, bow ready.  Even Bdubs was awake to see what would happen. 

At that moment, the weirdest assortment of people appeared below, running towards them. There were a lot of them, but Doc wasn't dissuaded.

'FIRE!' He yelled. Joe shot his first arrow straight at the group. Doc chucked his trident at them. 

It didn't seem to slow down the group much. A few arrows came back at them, and Joe ducked  before shooting some more arrows back. Bdubs ran out of their fortress below, wielding a pair of swords. He met the group below and began to fight. Doc leapt down the wall of the fortress recklessly and joined him. 

He met an Egyptian pharaoh and started to fight. A guy with red eyes ran by, joining his battle. It didn't take long for Doc to kill red-eyes, and he disappeared in a burst of stuff. The pharaoh grabbed most of it, and pushed Doc back with some sword-fighting moves. A tiny winged person was attacking Bdubs, who was already quite small. A girl with brown hair helped, but was left alone when little-guy died. 

Distracted, Doc didn't see the pharaoh stab him in the stomach. He backed away, before keeling over and dying. 

He woke up inside the fortress, next to Joe. His friend looked over, surprised, and Doc stood up.

'I... I died! But I'm alive! How?!'

'It appears that we respawn after death.' Joe commented, avoiding another arrow and firing one back. Doc groaned and jumped off the fortress again. 

Meanwhile, Iskall had joined Stress in fighting a little guy in a white hoodie. He looked tired, but refused to die. Cleo and Xisuma battled a creeper-cyborg guy nearby. 

'Hey! Doc! You remember me?' X asked, panicked. Cleo sighed. 

'He doesn't know you! We all lost our memory and besides, you didn't know him before that.'

'Yeah, the zombie is right.' The creeper agreed suspiciously. He seemed to have a German accent. 'How do you know my name?'

'Lucky guess.' Cub called over scornfully. 'He doesn't know, and is only pretending.'

'Shut it, Cub. You're just jealous.'

'So you wish. I do have quite a few weapons here...' 

'Threats now? What next?'

'Your death, hopefully. You're just annoying, Xisumavoid!'

Doc managed to kill Cleo and Xisuma parried Doc's next blow. Stress died next to Iskall, and the swede fought tired-guy even faster. It didn't take long for him to die.

'Bdubs!' Doc cried. Xisuma managed to get a killing blow on the creeper and the he, Cub and Ren ran on towards the castle-thing. No one really opposed them, except a constant stream of arrows from above. Cub shot one back. 

'Anyone else going to help me? Xisuma? Do you happen to know who's up there?'

'No idea.' 

'That's a first...'

'Hey! Cub! Xisuma! Stop arguing!'

They had reached the fortress by this point and met tired-guy, Bdubs. He killed Cub, who was quite wounded. Ren attacked back, while Xisuma ran on into the room. Doc stood at the back, and threw a trident at him. X grabbed it out of the air and threw it back. Doc dodged it, and drew a sword. Xisuma ran forwards again, as a yell came back from Ren. He turned back to see his friend with a sword to his neck, shoved against the wall by Bdubs. 

'Help?' He asked nervously. Xisuma looked between him and Doc, unsure of what to do. The creeper pointed a sword at him.

'Who are you?' He asked, hiding his nervousness behind anger. 

'We're here to rescue our friends!' Ren mumbled grumpily. 'And you're not going to stop us.' Xisuma stepped forward and Doc backed away, sword still out. 

'Stay away!' He growled uncertainly. 'Who are you?'

'I'm Xisuma, and this is Ren. The pharaoh was Cub.

'Ok. What about the others? Little winged guy?'

'That's Grian. The cyborg is Iskall, and the others are back at a small camp they set up in case we needed back up.'


'Yeah, there were others. If we call a peace, then they shouldn't be a problem.' 

'Why would we call a peace?' Bdubs retorted. 'You're attacking us!'

'We were rescuing our friends... We're not bad people, and you aren't either.'

'How would you know?' Doc was still scared, and showed no sign of fighting back. Xisuma looked over at Ren again. The half-dog was bleeding quite badly, and Bdubs didn't look like he was going to be merciful.

'Let him go, and we don't have to fight any more. You can let our friends go, and we can form an alliance?'

'Never.' Bdubs stubbornly replied. 

'I don't trust you. How do we know you'll uphold your promise?' 

'Because... to be honest, I don't really have a good reason. But you can ask Ren that he trusts me.'

'Xisuma's mostly annoying.' Ren responded unhelpfully. 'But he did rescue a whole lot of us from a cave.'

'Bdubs, let this 'Ren' go.' Doc ordered. Bdubs reluctantly agreed. 'Now, bee-man, drop your weapons and we can settle this without swords.' 

At that moment, Cub charged into the fortress, having run back from his respawn point. He barreled Doc over, and the creeper snarled with fury.


'CUB!' X dragged Cub away from Doc. The pharaoh sliced back and stepped free.

'You can't tell me what to do.' He growled, turning back to Doc, who had stood up again.. 'Surrender, Freak.'

Doc hissed like a creeper, preparing to strike with his trident. Bdubs looked ready to fight behind. Xisuma stepped away. 

'Cub, please. I'd just sorted this situation out, and you came running carelessly in! Plus you attacked me.' 

'Shut up, Mr know-it-all' Cub shot back, ready to kill Doc. 'Give us our friends.' 

'Tell me if I should kill dog-man, Doc. Maybe that will encourage this idiot pharaoh to give up.' Bdubs pointed his sword at Ren again. The South-African whimpered faintly. Cub continue to threaten Doc. 

'Drop your weapon, and we can settle something. Bee-person, what was your name?' 


'Well, Xisuma, we can sort something out if you get this madman out the way.'

'Cub, stop.' X pleaded again. The pharaoh didn't obey, and a sharp thunk came from a metal door at the back of the room. Doc looked over, terrified again. 

'Our friends?' 

'It's Rusty.' 


'It's all he says. He's a robot.' 

'A robot called Rusty?' Cub asked unbelievingly. 

'Actually, he seems to be a cyborg. Looks very similar to your winged friend, Grian?'

'A robot called Rusty that looks like Grian?' 

'Do you have to keep repeating me?' Doc burst out. 'Yes! You're right!'

The door keeping Rusty back broke and the robot stepped out. Half of it's body was roughly made metal, glowing red eyes and a mad grin.

'Rusty...'It spoke. 'Rusty... Rusti... Rustic...' 

'That's new. Doc, it ever said that before?' Bdubs asked, backing away.

'Rustic... houses... N... P... C... Grian...' Rusty struggled with the words. 'I... am... NPC Grian.'

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