Ch 11 - Mutiny on land

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A week passed. 

All the group had settled at the middle-most base, AKA Tango's one. Impulse had improved after rest and a few healing potions. Cub hadn't returned yet, and Xisuma had slowly become less and less liked. No one else had turned up, but the group was already quite big. 

Ren and Doc continued to get on well since fighting NPG together, and Etho and Keralis had joined their little friendship group. Grian and Iskall laughed the days away, building together. Mumbo sometimes joined in, messing up everything. Tango, Impulse and Zedaph continued to muck around, one sometimes laughing randomly from a mental joke. Cleo and Jevin became quite platonically close. A couple days in, they remembered that Bdubs was still hiding in Doc's fortress. ('Good, he was getting annoying and spent most the time sleeping'). No one went to rescue him. Beef messed around with his grass-making power, randomly annoying Xisuma by surrounding him with mycelium or racing random people to see who could turn the entire area into a certain block faster. (He always won). Stress continued to have drawn-out discussions with the local wildlife, Hypno mind-read into conversations randomly and False practiced her insane fighting skills with Wels. 

Xisuma sighed as he looked over the group. They were all acting exactly how they did on Hermitcraft, joking and forming little groups. But no one seemed to appreciate him being there, no one accepted that their former world existed. Only Mumbo talked to him, and that was growing rarer and rarer as he spent all his time with Grian and Iskall. Xisuma sat down, glancing over at the base that was slowly growing. Everyone said it was enormous, having forgotten that they made bigger builds for mere mini-games or pranks. It still looked cool though. 

'Hey, Xisuma...' Mumbo came over again, awkward. The bee-man looked up. 

'Hey, Mumbo! How you doing?'

'Good. Iskall dared me to speak to you... so, um... yeah. Goodbye.' 

Mumbo hurried off to where Grian and Iskall were laughing. Xisuma sighed again, as Cub arrived again. 

He didn't seem to notice that everyone was pointing and whispering about him, or Ren running over. 

'Hey, Cub! You're back! Where were you? What happened?'

'Can you please get out of my way, Ren?' Cub pushed passed the half-dog and into the base. Ren looked hurt, and Doc glared at Cub. 

'What's up with him?' Etho muttered crossly. 

'No one knows...' Keralis replied. 

A couple more days passed, and Cub was still barely seen. Whenever someone tried to talk to him, he yelled at them and sent them away, as Ren knew far too well. 

The South African was currently chatting with Doc, Etho and Keralis, as he did the rest of the time. As they did, a figure came behind them. Ren looked up to see Cub.

'Cub! Hey! Wanna join us?'

'Come with me.' 

The group followed the anti-social pharaoh away, into the base where Cub had been sulking. There was an ominous lever on the ground, which Etho poked nervously with his foot. Cub noticed his interest.

'I made a trap.' He sounded proud, but still unexcited. 'It's for our old friend, mr know-it-all Xisumavoid. We're getting rid of him, then i'll be in charge.'

'No one needs to be-'

'This place is a mess, and no one's doing anything. They need someone to make people do stuff.' 

Knowing he couldn't argue, Ren agreed. Doc glared at Cub, but also agreed. Etho and Keralis did too.

'So, we just get him in here and chuck him in this hole, right?' Etho recalled. 

'Yes. Let's go.'

The group left the base again, except Etho, who silently decided that he would pull the lever. Cub approached Xisuma.

'Hey! Mr idiot!' He called rudely over. Xisuma looked up and sighed.

'Cub, I don't want to argue with you any more.' 

'Good news - you won't have to.' 

'What are you doing? Cub...' 

'Ren, Doc; you know what to do.' 

Ren drew his sword.

'Sorry, X. But you're too annoying, and useless. Maybe this will stop your little fantasies.' He took one of Xisuma's arms, while Doc grabbed the other. They dragged the unwitting bee-man across the area. Unsurprisingly, he tried to escape.

'What are you doing? Why am I... anyone? Help?'

A few other people looked over, but no one aided Xisuma. Mumbo looked uncertain, but Iskall shook his head. 

'HELP! These people are abducting me! Ren, come on...? Keralis? Do you remember how we were both bees? Beesuma and Beeralis?

'It never happened, Xisuma.' Keralis sighed back. 'You've been really annoying.'

The bee finally broke free of his former-friend's grip, and ran. Doc caught him quickly, and pulled him away again. Xisuma drew his sword in defense. 

'Don't you dare!' He growled. Cub came over.

'Just give up, Xisumavoid. You know it's not worth fighting over. No one likes you. No one believes you.' 

Just then, a small slime bounced over to the scene. It looked over at Xisuma interestedly, blinking slowly.

'Hey, can you help me?'

'If you help Xisuma, you're dead,' Cub warned the slime. 

'DON'T YOU DARE HURT JELLO!' Jevin stood up, pointing a sword at the pharaoh angrily. 'HE'S MY LITTLE BOI.' 

'Don't hurt the slime, Cub.' Ren sounded offended. 'It's too cute. I mean, look at him.' 

Jello blinked innocently.'

'I don't trust it...' Doc looked at Jello nervously. 


'What's actually happening here?' Keralis asked, confused. 'I thought we were trapping Xisuma. Now we're arguing about an insignificant slime...'


'Calm down, Jevin. No one wants to hurt Jello.'

Jello made a strange bloop sound and bounced back to Jevin. The humanoid slime hugged him protectively. Cleo patted Jello uncertainly on the 'head'.

'Can we get back to trapping Xisuma now?' Cub complained. Ren and Doc started pulling him towards their trap again, and the bee-man struggled again. 

'Stop fighting!' Cub snapped. 'Come on!'

Eventually, they got him into the room, where Etho was waiting excitedly. He pulled the lever and the floor fell away. Xisuma was chucked brutally into it. It was closed again.

He was stuck. 



Forgotten (sequel of Cursed) - Hermitcraft fanfic REWRITE ON HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now